Gonna try and keep this as short as I can! I (22F) moved to Italy about a year and a half ago, studied for a while but had to drop out due to life happening. I had a few friends back then, but now they’re all a pretty expensive train ride away from me, and because of that we don’t even talk that much anymore — besides the usual “i miss u so much we REALLY have to meet up soon!!”.

I would push myself to go out to bars and try to just join random groups, but while I do understand italian, I can’t speak for shit — or rather, I kinda can, but I would be WAY too scared to join a random group and then not even be able to keep up with their conversation because of my limitations. Also I dislike clubbing so that is not even an option.

Hell, I’ve even tried the (not so) good ol’ app way, just to get out of the house and meet people with similar interests, hoping to make friends — the only person I was able to properly connect with, which I talked to for a bit over a week, hasn’t talked to me in 2 days. I would ask them to hang out, but they didn’t seem THAT interested, so I don’t really wanna push it.

I am currently attending an italian course, but the median age of my classmates is probably above my mum’s age.

I have absolutely no idea what I can do, please help !! Am I just doomed to only having online friends forever?

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