Can someone help me decode this type of male behavior? Also, would love to get some suggestions on how others would deal with this..

So I (34F) had a very fun dance session with a guy (40somethingish in age) at a club yesterday, which turned into a very flirty and more and more close and intimate thing, eventually leading into passionate and intense makeout sessions. Needs to be said, he seemed very drunk, but seemed still in control to me, and I was only tipsy. We spent like 2-3 hours together with one intermezzo where he went to talk to his friends, but so this wasn’t a brief thing at all. After 2-3 hours of this we kinda wanted to just have sex already. He asked if we could go to my place, I said we can’t because my flatmates and I sort of don’t bring people over lastminute, so I asked him if we could go to his place. He said not really, because he has 2 kids. Then I asked, ok, and also a wife??? He said no, I’m divorced. Phew.

Anyway, he asked me for my number, and I asked if he would remember all of this, or if he’s too drunk. He said ‘well we’ll see’. Then we kept making out and he kept saying how amazing it will be when we’ll make love next time we meet. We shared a cab home, he hugged me the whole way, and kissed me before getting out.

I texted him today: Hey, Im not sure what you remember, but just wanted to leave a message so you don’t forget last night. :)I texted another saying: If you don’t remember, I’ll call you and explain, but if you do, are you free tonight or tomorrow?

I got a reply within 2-3 hours saying: ‘Hey!!! We had a super great night yesterday. I was very drunk and I’m in a relationship, so this won’t work…’

I texted back saying how it didn’t seem like that last night, and I find it strange that he left out this information when I asked about him having a wife. I also added that Im somewhat angry because of all the future talk about us meeting again was then a lie, and it kind of hurt my feelings. (And I honestly don’t know what the point of all that was then…) I’m not expecting a reply anymore, just wanted to let him know.

TL,DR: Had an amazing night at a club with a guy, dancing and lots of making out, exchanged numbers, planned to continue, next day he tells me via text he’s in a relationship so this won’t work. WTF?

Anyone can explain to me why someone would do this?? I mean, I understand how being drunk changes some things in your behavior, but whats up with just being in a whole different reality for a whole night?.. how? Why? Why would you be willing to cheat one day, and then not the next? Why did he ask for my number and keep talking about meeting up again another time?? Can alcohol really make you that fucked up that you even lie to yourself? I don’t get it…

Thank you in advance for any advice.

  1. What don’t you understand?

    He was looking to cheat and you shut him down. End of story.

    Some people are assholes.

  2. A 40yo man at a nightclub drunkenly grinding on girls and asking if they want to go back to their place while having a girlfriend at home…

    …you can’t be this naive asking why he’d do it

  3. He is clearly trash and maybe make different choices next time at the club

  4. just preserve that night as a memorable memory and move on for something better

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