How much time do you give yourself to get ready before work?

  1. I work from home so I can be at my desk in 2 minutes. But I don’t like to just start work immediately, so I get up around 5:45, work out, have some coffee, relax, watch something (this morning I watched last night’s Succession) and then get to my desk around 8.

  2. I do chores that ran through the night, restart laundry, put away dishes and put away laundry plus lounging time so 1.5 hours. it takes less than a half hour to stretch, wash my face, minimal skin care and get dressed with hair tied back

  3. I work from home, but I like to take at least an hour to wake up properly, do my skincare routine, hydrate and relax a bit.

  4. When working from home, 5 minutes. When I need to go to the office, I get up around an hour before I have to leave.

  5. god maybe 10 minutes max. I have a 1hr drive to work so I have to wake up tooo early, and I try to get the most sleep I can.

    It’s literally up, pee, get changed, take morning meds, pick up bag, go. All RUNRUNRUN

  6. I work from home so it’s a lot less than when I was going into the office. When I was going in I could be ready in 45-60 minutes if I was washing my hair, 30 minutes without. This includes getting my clothes and food for the day ready.

  7. I prefer to have 60-90 minutes to have time for breakfast, my mindfulness routine, getting dressed, and a bit extra for either writing or reading.

  8. An hour minimum. And I don’t do makeup or anything, I just need a lot of time sitting and staring into void.

  9. I work a mile from my office so my commute is like 8 minutes. I get out of bed roughly 30-40 minutes before I need to leave, sometimes even 20 minutes. I shower at night and don’t wear makeup, so I have minimal self-care-esque tasks to do in the morning. And I always try to prep my lunch and breakfast the night before.

  10. Around 30-45 minutes. Do skincare and brush hair/teeth. Apply makeup while brewing coffee, drink said coffee, plan my day, get dressed, and have breakfast/get to work. Love WFH.

  11. It usually takes me about an hour from waking up to being ready to start the day. I work from home and don’t have a strict schedule, so I get to decide my own hours. My time getting ready consists of waking up scrolling my phone til I feel ready to get out of bed, morning bathroom routine, peeing, brushing teeth, putting contacts in, then making coffee, feeding the cats, makeup.

  12. I get up at 815 and start my day at 9. I do my hair, make up, get dressed, take the dog for a 15 minute walk and straighten up whatever carnage my 17 year old left behind during her vampire hours.

  13. It depends on the day really. I work hybrid, 3 days at home and 2 in the office. On the office days, I try to give myself an hour, but it usually turns into 45 minutes by the time I get moving. On some of the WFH days, I do a morning walk with my friend and I’m running in the door to log in on time after our walk. On the WFH days I don’t walk, I am still up pretty early, but I use the time to lounge with coffee and a book or tv show. Then maybe 20 minutes to grab a shower before I sit down to work.

  14. I get up at 6 am to be at work by 7:45/8. It’s about a 20-min commute; the rest of the time is showering, putting on makeup, trying to motivate myself to get off my phone, etc.

  15. 30 minutes if I have to get up early. Three hours if I start in the afternoon.

  16. Since I’ve started working from home I have my alarm set to 5 minutes before I want to start working.

  17. Like 15 minutes, but I start work at 430am. I have a 15 minute commute. I usually “get ready” once I’m at work in terms of hair and make up

  18. I use to wake up at 6 am and do a whole morning routine that included yoga and some tidying up. I had a 10 minute commute and had to be in at 9. Now I have to be at work at 6:30 with a 30 minute commute. It has been a year and a half and I can’t get myself up earlier than 5:15. I barely have enough time to get ready. I really miss my old schedule.

  19. 2-3 hours, one to read my webtoons/wash up, one to eat breakfast and make something quick for lunch, one to get ready and leave

  20. When I WFH I get out of bed at 8.29 to start at 8.30. When I’m im the office I get up dressed then get on my bike. Don’t wear make up or eat breakfast at home so I don’t need much time.

  21. Two hours. I am à morning shower person, plus I like to eat breakfast.
    If I skip breakfast and rush it makes me feel rushed and thrown off all day. I am also slow in the morning and two hours means I can just do my things at a snail pace and not rush or feel rushed. Also have two cups of coffee, slowly.
    I also think my blood sugar gets wonky when I skip breakfast.

  22. I spend about an hour getting ready in the mornings, even when I’m working from home just so I have some time to drink some coffee and enjoy my morning before things get crazy.

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