I’m really sorry if reading this is difficult, there might be a few out of context moments. I’m too in my head right now and can’t think at all. I may come back later to edit this and put in more words.

I really don’t even know where to start. I’d like to think I’ve always been really nice and considerate to my buddies and new people I talk with through Discord. Although there’s a few that see it as a weakness and take advantage of it. During normal conversations they’ll become condescending, or throw some sort of direct subtle shade my way that flies under everyone else’s radar in the discord call.

This happens every single night and it’s extremely depressing, bleeds right through my mental health medication. I jump into a channel after work forgetting the negative things that they did yesterday or the day before, feeling excited and hyped to play a game with them, all with my guard down. Then it’ll happen again, and my night is ruined because I can’t focus on anything else but how I’ll respond/retaliate. Here and there it’ll happen again later in the night, but usually it’s a one-off. Regardless it kills my mood and I’m depressed until the next day. I keep giving others the benefit of the doubt when they don’t deserve it and I don’t know what to do, because I always subconsciously respond with kindness. I’m trying to be able to have my guard up but be able to enjoy the game we’re playing at the same time but I’m unable, I can only do one or the other. I know to remind myself that people being condescending is just a reflection of what’s going on inside of their head. They’ll do it to feel some superiority because they’ve maybe never had some. I just don’t understand why it always gets targeted at me. You may also say stop interacting with them, but all of these conversations are through a clan that I run for a game and I can’t see myself giving it up. I enjoy it too much while I’m alone but half of the activities require you to play with others, they’re coordinated and you need to be in a voice channel.

1 comment
  1. Honestly, it’s perfectly fine to treat people neutrally, if not cut them off. Normal people don’t do that. Being nice to other people is a really good thing, but not everyone deserves it.

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