We’re in uni, and been to highschool together for a few years. Anyway we were sitting in the lecture room next to each other at the back.

I had a bit of a semi, and she must have seen, and she kept looking down at it then back up to me, biting her lip.

How do I kinda bring this thing up? Like how do I say “hey I saw what happened in the lecture hall and you know I kinda liked it?”

Like, I wouldnt mind it she wants to keep looking or help out?

  1. I think your first step is to just approach her and make small talk. Establish a connection before jumping into asking her for a handy. Having the courage to flirt with her after that is likely to be attractive to her. Enjoy yourself with a bit of fun banter to get to know each other and just see where it goes.

  2. That’s her making a move, now it’s your turn!

    Ask her out or make a flirty comment.
    You can also check out her whole body from top to bottom while making a seductive look.

    Anyway, good luck my dude!
    Keep us updated!

  3. She showed you she’s interested. Don’t do anything creepy just show that you have interest, ask her out on a date or something. You can be sure that way, and then taking it further is the easy part.

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