I (M26) have been thinking about going to see a therapist regarding a relationship that i have currently Been on for almost two years. But i was wondering do i have to have my girlfriend (F26) with me? I am also unsure of should i tell about this to my girlfriend at this point, or should i just say i am going to see a normal therapist.

I have not been in a relationship before this and i am somewhat unsure of how it should feel. I would also like to have an opinion on whether my insecurities come from me or from the relationship.

TL;Dr i feel like i might need therapy but i dont want to make my girlfriend worried because i am not sure of this is about her or not.

  1. Couples therapy is where you talk to a therapist *as a couple*. If you want regular, individual therapy, that’s fine. It’s just not the same thing and might not yield the desired results if part of the problem is her/her behavior.

  2. Couple therapy is for both partners fix their issues together. It doesn’t make sense going to couple therapy alone. You just go to normal therapy.

  3. You could go to individual therapy and discuss your relationship with your therapist alone.

  4. Why would you do that? If your partner doesn’t want to go to couples therapy, this relationship won’t work.

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