Ever since I met her, things have been great, or so I thought. 3 weeks ago, she told me she was unsure about how she felt about our relationship.

So we had a 1 week break with clear rules, but things have been weird since. I tried to give her some space while letting her know I loved her. She has been acting very hot and cold with me, with her telling me she loves me and cares for me but not acting like it. This is making me very sad and confused too.

So I gave her some sort of ultimatum because I cant keep doing this anymore. I told her that I want to know tonight if she loves me yes or no, because I cant stay with someone that dont loves me as much as I do and it is making me unhappy. Was the ultimatum a good idea? Is there any hope or is the relationship already over?

  1. Yes it was a good idea, you will get the closure you seek. To be honest I don’t think it’s looking good

  2. Sounds like she’s wanting to be single. Or it’s possible she met someone three weeks ago and either she’s still trying to get with him, or she did during that week and then he dumped her. You’re only 20. Don’t settle for her just because you’ve been together for a year. There are plenty of other women out there. You don’t have to commit at this age.

  3. Thanks everyone for your answer, as expected, she still didnt know. So i decided to end things. She was respectful of my decision and told me she really understood and that she feels like she will regret later. It was a mutual breakup. It is what is, whatever happens is for the best. I am at peace with my decision and finally feel free to move on.

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