I eat my fries mostly with mayo. I think most Europeans ( at least Germans, French, Dutch and Belgians), love it. I heard most Americans don’t like it.

  1. The mayonnaise in the European countries that eat it with fries, is different from American mayonnaise. To an American palate your mayonnaise honestly seems more like aioli sauce, which is a common dip for fries in America (more at restaurants though, not fast food places).

    Here in the UK the mayonnaise is the same as America and it isn’t very common to put it on chips/fries either.

  2. I don’t like mayo, so it is a no for me. I prefer dipping my fries in bbq sauce, curry ketchup, or with a gentle sprinkle of malt vinegar

  3. Don’t like to dip my fries in mayo, but mix it with ketchup and you got fry sauce which is great

  4. Not a fan, although I do use tartar sauce and thousand island dressing instead. Mayo is just too bland.

  5. We like contrast with our fries. Mayo just adds umami to umami/savory. Mayo is just bland (and I like mayo otherwise).

    Ketchup adds sour and sweet.

  6. “You know what they put on they French fries in holland?”


    “Mayonnaise, I seen ‘em do it too. They drown em in that shit.”

    “Ugh! Gotdayum!”

  7. I tried it back when I was in college and saw the Europeans doing it, and I threw up. Absolutely disgusting.

  8. It’s fine. Kind of underwhelming. I think the sweet tomato taste of ketchup contrasts with fries better than mayo, which is fatty blandness on fatty blandness.

  9. Not appealing. Why would you put something on that *lessens* the flavor and just adds ooze?

    Mind you, I use mayo, but sparingly. It’s fine as a base or as a binder, but when it’s going to detract, I don’t use it.

  10. I like mayo mixed with ketchup on my fries. Not a fan of straight mayo on fries, it’s too flavorless.

  11. It’s not as strange to Americans as Europeans want to believe. It’s fine, but a bit bland compared to more popular dips such as ketchup, bbq sauce, and ranch.

  12. I never really had it till I went to Europe, but the Europeans converted me and I’m a fan of fries and mayo now. I do have to say though the the mayo used in Europe vs the US does taste a bit different, so that might be a factor as to why Americans don’t like it as much. Mayo plus another sauce is pretty popular these days in the US and you can often buy those combos premade in the supermarket.

  13. European mayo is different than American mayo. It has more of a vinegar forward flavor that makes it go better with fries than the milder American mayo. Dukes is fairly close, but you still need to add something like apple cider vinegar to it to get it close.

  14. I had a German exchange student for a year who taught us about mayo on french fries. It’s okay, but I either use a mayo, ketchup, and old bay seasoning mixture or malt vinegar and salt.

  15. I’m not repulsed by the idea, but mayo is a bit bland. It would probably be good with some garlic and black pepper mixed in.

  16. Depends, if I’m eating a mushroom swiss burger from dairy queen which has gravy and mayo in it then yes I’ll eat fries with the burger drippings.

  17. Is the Chik fil A sauce a ketchup/Mayo mix? Only had it once as I don’t buy from that chain.

  18. That sounds disgusting. I like mayo on sandwiches, cheeseburgers, but I would rather eat my fries plain or with ketchup. I see lots of people doing them in ranch as well, but I’ll also take a pass on that.

  19. I think I’m going to need to find a way to erase knowledge that this is a thing from my mind before I’m put off the idea of fries forever.

  20. Yes, I like it. I first tried it that way in Europe as a teen though, I had not had it before that in the US.

  21. I rarely dip my fries. If I do it’s usually going to be a Wendy’s Frosty.

  22. I tried fries with mayo in Europe and fell in love with it, but the mayo over there is a little different. I add a little olive oil to the mayo over here to get the same taste.

  23. I learned to love it when I lived in the Netherlands as a kid. European mayo tastes better, however, than American mayo which is why it works better.

  24. Wouldn’t be my go-to, but I can see how it could be tasty to at least have mayo as a component of fry dipping sauce.

  25. Obsessed with it. I even make my own Duke’s style mayo for when I have fries at home.

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