2 people house and baby, we have full size washer and try to do once every 2 days, not always possible but is the most common

We manual wash pans and pots and anything big and just easier to wash with scrub daddy.

Use Ariel tablets we bulked bought 2 years ago on a deal.

I suspect with increase food from baby this will likely become daily soon

  1. Anything that can’t go in the dishwasher is too weak to live in my house.

    I’m a little afraid to ask what you mean by “scrub daddy”

  2. 2 adults, we don’t wash anything by hand and it goes on once a day or sometimes twice if I’m doing batch cooking/baking. It’s full size, it’s got 3 drawers and it’s hardly ever totally full. I use a mix of budget tablets and then a better tablet I like asdas own, on alternate days. I’d rather sit in the dark freezing to death than sacrifice my dishwasher usage.

  3. We have a small, tabletop dishwasher that probably gets run about 5 times a week most weeks. Twice on Christmas Day.

  4. Every day. Washing dishes by hand only takes second place to ironing in stuff I hate doing.

  5. When it was me and my partner it would go on about twice a week, maybe three times.

    Now it’s three adults but with lots of family nearby who pop over every other day and we do the washing up by hand at least once a day.

    That fact that two of us work from home, and a third adult works part time, makes a big impact.

  6. When I was on my own it was around once a week. I’d get to use every mug, plate and cutlery so it all got a run out by the end of the week. As a couple, it’s around every 3 days but that’s cause he’s shit at stacking

  7. All pots and pans and everything go in the dishwasher. Life’s to short not to. Natural selection for pans.

    About every other day when kids were wee, now daily (chuck in recycling to fill it), twice or thrice a day if someone’s been cooking or baking a lot.

  8. Family of 2 adults and 2 primary age kids.

    Daily, although sometimes we manage to skip a day.

  9. Usually just me. I have a mini-dishwasher, a typical load is 3 mugs, 4 plates, a couple of pasta bowls and cutlery.

    I usually run it once a day, at night. Sometimes, every couple of days.

  10. I do it daily, what I do is I empty it in the morning, then as the day goes on fill it and then pop on in the evening before bed. Means I never have to see dishes on the side and I know they’re done

  11. Probably about every other day, but we are a bit sloppy with it. But hey, it hides the mess!

  12. Family of 3 adults, full size dishwasher, usually once or twice a week only. Pans, pots and other bulky items are washed by hand.

  13. Two of us but run it daily overnight to make sure it uses off peak electric rates.

  14. 3 people, like once a week.

    it’s getting pointless now, power is too expensive and it’s not hard to wash dishes.

  15. 2 of us, every two or three days cos he’s a genius at loading and I’m a skank so I reuse my cups and pans (vegetarians so no meat juices to go off). If its just rice or pasta being boiled then it gets a super quick rinse and reuse, obvs I wash if it’s had sauce. I have a suspicion he uses my same coffee cup too, but a quick rinse and it’s good to go (plain black coffee is easy to rinse).

  16. Almost always once per day. Can’t be bothered washing things by hand, AND it typically uses much more water.

  17. Every 2-3 days. Hand wash the pans and plastic plates we use for the kids. The rest gets bunged in the dishwasher until it’s full.

  18. Just me and my wife and we wash by hand. We don’t use enough stuff to warrant the dishwasher but that said the pots and pans go in once a week

  19. Once a day, typically. Sometimes two.

    Dishwashers are much more energy and water efficient than washing up yourself, even for larger items (especially with more modern dishwashers that can sense when things are clean and stop).

  20. Family of 4 with a half-size dishwasher.. we run it every 2 days. No space for pots and pans, those are done by hand. Everything else goes in there.

  21. I don’t use the dishwasher anymore and just clean dishes after I use them.

    My brother was terrible for using every plate, bowl and glass and leaving them all round the house. I removed them so that we have three of each item. Simple rule is you wash your own stuff. Takes 1 minute after eating to run a plate under a tap and scrub it clean.

    Before that I’d say it worked out as once every 5 days for the dishwasher to be full. To be fair most of my cooking is done in the oven or steaming so I don’t have tons of utensils and other items building up every day.

  22. She doesn’t like it when I call her that.

    We don’t have one currently. Not sure if I want one when we have our own place either. I kinda want to get more cast iron pans and they should be hand washed really. Then it might be nice to use the space for something else instead.

  23. 2 adults, one teen and two preteens. Once a day minimum. Twice a day about 2 or 3 times a week.

    EVERYTHING goes in our dishwasher. If it doesn’t survive it was too weak to live with us.

  24. Washing by hand takes more water, energy and soap. So by washing half your stuff by hand you are wasting water and energy and creating more pollution in the water system.

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