I am a 32 year old male and never had any intimacy in my life. I have really been trying to better myself over the past 4 years but still had no luck.. I’m beginning to think it might also be caused by my religion. I am Jewish and that seems to put off a lot of girls for some reason.

Would it be a good idea to keep my religion secret from girls when dating until i find the right one? I am really losing my faith in this whole dating thing..

  1. Op what is it you are looking for ? Are you looking for just short term fun or are you looking for a long relationship/ marriage ? And if it’s the second option, are you open to other peoples religion or do you require them to be Jewish ? so convert

  2. I think it’s important to always be your true authentic self when it comes to meeting someone, if you’re looking for a true, genuine connection, hiding parts of who you are won’t help in the long run.

  3. I mean, how religious are you though? Like, regularly going to church religious? Because that can turn off a lot of young people

    Could always go on Jewish dating sites

  4. If you would require the girl to literally convert to your religion then yes I could see how that would be a turn off…

  5. Have you tried meeting women at your synagogue? Maybe go to different synagogues in your area to meet new people.

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