Been texting with this guy I met online for a month. We had several dates, they were good and I feel comfortable around him. Conversations always flow good because have a lot in common too. Texting were never intense, just several texts a day. The past few weeks he always text first but I also do text first couple times to show interest and let him know its not one sided texting.

However, texting has been slowing down a lot. We usually text till 11pm and now we stopped at 8pm. Sometimes he doesn’t text me for a day. But if I don’t text first, he can sometimes text me randomly. I know he is a busy man that doesnt need his phone to work, well in fact he cannot have his phone with him when he work. His texting effort is actually consistent but I notice that sometimes he is online for a bit but don’t reply to my text (might be something like just replying one important message and then he’s not on his phone anymore).

Why do guys do this? Do a guy consistently text one woman just because he is bored? I am very curious of his intentions, because the last time he stopped texting me for 2 days, I did not double text him and suddenly he texted me “Saw this painting and thought you would like it” (it was a painting of my favorite singer).

I want to get to know him better but I have a feeling that he is not serious. Either he is too busy for dates or he is not serious. I know he has dating apps (not sure if he still use it). But if he’s not serious and just bored, why don’t he just keep on going on dating app and text other women? Sometimes it frustrates me when we’re having a good convo and he just gone and reply the next 3-4 hours or the next day. I’m starting to follow his replying time because i don’t want to seem desperate either (i usually reply in 1-2 hours). Can anyone tell me if i did something wrong and what is his intention??

  1. OP, I’m going to copy and paste what I said on a similar post as it seems like a lot of people are in the same boat. Learn from my past mistakes:

    Live your life. Stop worrying about what he’s thinking and when he’s texting, he sure as hell isn’t for you.

    Don’t inflate you’re importance in his life. If you’re that important his words AND ACTIONS will show you. Until then just have fun because it’s clear that that’s what the situation is.

    Match his energy and don’t try to guess what he’s thinking of feeling. He’s big enough to say it when he’s ready.

    DO NOT CHASE HIM. The more you do the more power he will have.

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