Pretty much as the question reads, but I was wondering what it’s like for a guy to be madly in love with a girl. For context I’m (F21) and I’ve never been in a relationship, I always see my friends gush about their bfs and being all in love etc. But I’ve always wondered what it’s like from a guys perspective to be in madly in love. Cheers!

  1. It’s pretty intense, it can be hard to focus on anything other than that person whether you want to or not.

  2. For me, with my late wife it was like a fire that reignited violently every time I saw her face or heard her voice. I was peace in knowing I had found what I needed and what I wanted in one person and that I never had to worry about being alone again, well I assumed that anyway. It was the craving of not just her body but the connection and conversation between our souls. It just fucking hit different.

  3. You know that feeling that you get when you find $5 in your clothes after washing them? Multiply that by 10 fold every time you see that person. Been together for a little over 11 yrs, married for almost six and I still find myself smiling like an idiot at times when I think about her.

  4. Difficult to explain, but I’ll try. Being madly in love is a point where you can’t see life without your partner. It’s seeing them as the absolute best thing in your life, and longing to be with them when your not. It’s knowing that you want their happiness no matter what it does to you, and yearning to see them smile. You know you will be there for them in almost any situation, because they make you happy.

  5. Personally I find myself getting infatuated which many people see as a bad thing. They become my world, the most important thing to me, and I have a strong fear of losing them.

  6. (25M engaged to 25F, 7 years together)I dont ever want to leave her side, being by hers is much more enjoyable. I think about her 24/7: when I can see her next, what she’s doing right now, ideas for gifts I can give her, the list is infinite. I love her unconditionally. No amount of change can change how I feel.

  7. Don’t know. When I was early 20s I got infatuated a couple of times and it hurt pretty bad not to get the girl. Now I’m 28 and don’t know that I can be “madly” in love, but I do think it would be nice to have someone.

  8. She’s in my dream, and I wake up thinking about her. It’s about her all day long, until I say good night. But sometimes can’t fall asleep because of her.

  9. I was literally ready to die for her at a moments notice. I had kids named, i had life planned out, i looked forward to every text, every word, every moment. I was so scared and so passionately in love all at once. She was my whole world and bled into every facet of my life. Things ended pretty badly and it took me years to move on. I honestly still havent found anyone that could draw out that level of emotion from me since. Its been over a decade now and i still sometimes dream about her, and wake up sad. I know its for the best that things ended, and shes happy with someone else, but that overly ambitious love will always lurk inside me to some degree even when/if i find my soul mate.

  10. for me, it’s me getting butterflies every single time i see her. getting excited to just talk to her. it’s like being on a perfect high times 100. she fulfills my heart so much

  11. It is said that when a woman falls in love she gets smarter and when a man falls in love he loses his mind.

  12. To be madly in love, it feels like a light that pierces through the darkness. Legit, it was love that helped get me out of a dark place and kept me positive. Now I’m just trying to find happiness alone, because life is cruel sometimes and love doesn’t work out

  13. >But I’ve always wondered what it’s like from a guys perspective to be in madly in love. Cheers!

    When I was in a relationship, my first thought in the morning was her. Once a day, I’d send a text or an email saying, “Hey, I’m thinking of you.” Whenever I was at the store, I’d get her a flower she liked, or her favorite lip balm. To make her smile was so worth it.

  14. For me, I knew I was head over heels when I realized I preferred her happiness to mine. Not in a sacrificial kind of a way; rather, making her happy gives me more genuine pleasure than I could ever give myself. Sure, I still do nice things for myself when I want, but I’d rather be doing nice things for her.

    That, and I still get a flustered and excited around her after 22 years…

  15. She’s on your mind all day long. You look deep into her eyes and you have this connection more meaningful than anything else. You dont exclusively think sexually about her. You look forward to being near her throughout the day. When you share your first kiss with her your heart goes pounding out of your chest. You can talk about anything and everything with her. The world looks and feels different. Everything tastes better, looks more beautiful, music sounds better knowing you have that one special person in the world who feels the same way towards you as you do them. You can literally feel endorphins flowing through your brain everytime you see her. Arguments are terrible and they happen but in the end you always both end up apologizing to one another. You know you were both made for each other.

  16. It’s the sum of all the small things. When she smiles just right. How she absent-mindedly touches my back or arm when we’re out. The way she nibbles on her right thumbnail when she’s reading something interesting. How she giggles when she finds a cute video on reddit. How beautiful her eyes are when i hug her and tell her i love her even more than i love the cats. The way she gets excited about a new game (currently Lost Ark). We’ve been together for 11 years and all those little things give me this deep, internal warmth. It feels safe and joyous at the same time. It’s hard to overstate how much that feeling of safety is so important. I have PTSD from my time in the military and I’ve developed some personality quirks that I’m not always proud of. I never have to explain things and she always makes me feel safe enough to know that things will get always get better.

  17. When I asked permission to marry my lovely lady, I was asked “why now?” by her mother.
    I thought about it for a moment because whilst I knew the answer, I didn’t know how to articulate it.
    I answered that meeting Hannah was such a pivotal point in my life that everything before I met her just became “before Hannah”, like, I got really weirded out thinking of things before hand because she wasn’t there in my memories of them. She was my “BC/AD”, if you like.
    I added that there was a lot I wanted to do and I didn’t want to do any of it without her. That seeing a future without her by my side made it incredibly difficult to think about.

    I wake up in the morning and see her and my heart beats faster, my head feels crystal clear with focus and the day feels off to a great start. I lie behind her to sleep and it feels complete.

    When I was growing up, especially through my teenage years and early twenties, I had real issues with relationships. My self confidence was abysmal and I’d get self conscious being with someone and that used to break us up. When I met Hannah, I didn’t feel any of that. It was genuinely like my entire life I’d been missing a critical part of me and she fit me like a jigsaw puzzle piece. Like a glove.

    We’re not perfect, we have our issues and our disagreements, but we have excellent communication and our independence in our lives means we enjoy our time together and our time doing our own stuff. Neither of us are perfect, but we recognise our faults and allow each other our own issues and have our ways of dealing with those.

    I don’t know if that’s madly in love, but I do know that (as I said to her parents) I don’t want to experience what’s ahead without her beside me.

  18. I unintentionally smile every time I talk about her, every time someone takes her name, my heart beats a little faster, ….every text from her.. I can imagine how she would say that, it’s hard to focus on what she says because I get mesmerized by her voice. I get a weird pulse like something in my gut everytime I think about meeting her… I might sound a little cheesy but I am in long distance… So I often crave for even holding her hand.

  19. I think about her when I wake up and go to sleep. See things during the day that remind me of her and remember funny things that happen to tell her later. Get excited when she calls or texts. Happy when she’s having fun doing her own thing and even happier when we’re together. Happily listen to her talk about something she’s passionate about, even if I don’t completely get it, because she’s glowing. If she’s having a bad day or insecure about something, actually try my best to see it from her side, and sometimes it’s better to just let her work through it while just being there, saying “it’ll be okay” isn’t always the move. During sex make sure she’s getting her needs met and met and met, and that she feels completely safe to be vulnerable and knows she’s picked the right one to trust with her body, and this means learning to listen to her body, ask her what feels good and stay creative. Figuring out how much affirmation and communicating she needs, and not going overboard or ignoring her, too much is definitely a thing. Giving her peace of mind that she can blindly trust me through my actions, because I blindly trust her. Making sure we can discuss anything and everything, good or bad, because if you’re commit to making it to the finish line you can’t be afraid to say whats on your mind.

  20. i talked a big game when chatting with my then girlfriend on tinder, especially how I casually traveled to LA all the time (I lived in SF). unbeknownst to her, I did not travel – nor drive – at all, and was only in town by sheer circumstance. we had a wonderful first date. following that, i not only learned how to drive, but continued to make a weekly socal-bay area drive for almost a year.

    i was incredibly self conscious about being 27 and not driving, absolutely terrified getting of moving above 40mph, and so stupidly in love that neither of those things really got in the way.

    pretty lame i know! but we’re married now, so there’s that.

  21. As a woman, we know it when our partner is in love …and when he isn’t. All of these words from men here validate that “knowing.” Such beautiful words throughout. May everyone who has the capacity for such love be given the chance to share it and receive the same in return. ♥️

  22. I’m gay, so this may or may not be different from what you’re asking but-

    For me, whenever I’m alone for a while; I miss the intimacy, I’ll feel depressed and anxious, like a vital part of me is missing and I’m less of a person without it.

    Personally, I always thought I’d be alone and accepted it, and genuinely never expected to find love. It’s harder when you’re not like everyone else, and in the gay community everyone seems to be obsessed with hookups and switching partners all the time..

    I’ve always thought if that’s all there is to it, it’s better to just avoid the whole thing altogether because it’s full of people looking for a quick escape, and after years of doing this shit they are no longer capable of anything resembling love. It’s a sad existence.

    But somehow I was proved wrong and love found me in the end and I’m happier than I’ve ever been.

  23. I bought a small chocolate cake from a bakery my wife and I both love. It’s far too so this is a rare treat for us. We cut it into 5 pcs so there was one left. For a week, I saw it there and left it for my wife as I love her madly and wanted her to have it. A week of coffees that would have paired so well with it. Of long days where a sweet slice would have been a fantastic pick me up. A weekend of smoking good weed and eyeing that cake but denying myself the pleasure. Finally I told her to eat that cake before it goes off. She told me she was saving it for me to have. That’s love.

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