My coworker \[f22\] and I \[m23\] have been talking with and seeing each other outside of work for the past month. Some context is that I have been working there for 7 months and her over 2 years (this job is not a career-long job). We both work various positions within the company and we only really have 1 day where we are working next to each other.

I never talked or saw her out of work until about a month ago, her and her friend came out to the bars with my friend and I. We all had a great time and the night went well, nothing crazy. She is the kind of person that chats with people on her phone and always has someone she’s talking to you (ignore this red flag, i know), and we so happen to be best friends on snap for over 2-3 weeks(since we’re always talking). This doesn’t mean anything to me but again, i feel like she’s the kind of person to care about this. She is also a nonconfrontational person so i feel like even if she did have a crush on me or whatever, she would never want to talk about it or make it apparent.

I casually flirt with her all the time, and always keep it really mild and chill. She sometimes flirts with me (she could just being nice?) & she is usually the one seeking to hangout or do something. We talk to each other about everything, including other partners we’ve had. I don’t really know if she’s flirting with me but the frequency of us seeing one another and the fact about the snap score, along with the activities we do together, it appears to me that there *could* be something more. Nothing physical has happened, except that night at the bar we held hands to navigate through big crowds (but i see this as completely normal and reasonable to be doing in a crowded bar so prolly not a thing).

What I need advice on is:

whether i am looking to far into things and it’s purely platonic?

is she waiting for me to make a move (i hate macho masculine shit but she might want someone to take charge)?

is this something even worth pursuing bc of the work factor?

\*question no one can answer\* i can handle rejection, but is she going to be able to move forward without things being awkward?

TLDR: crush on coworker and we hangout frequently, idk if its platonic or romantic, what are my options

1 comment
  1. I think it could be worth pursuing if she has mutual feelings. BUT you have to be ready to accept the risk that comes with you guys working together if things go south. Are you able to be grown and keep your feelings out of the workplace if it doesn’t go the way you want (be honest with yourself)? Is she?

    That being said, if I were you, I would, politely but clearly, just ask. Worst comes to worst, at least you’ll know and be able to move forward one way or another.

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