Okay so I don’t know how to even start this but I’m going to make it short as possible. My question for you men is at the end let me tell you what I found first on my spouse’s underwear while doing laundry .
I was doing laundry last night and as I was separating the dark/ whites etc I noticed my spouses underwear has these white marks on the front part kinda like if he came ?:/
We haven’t had sex in 2 weeks I would say so obviously it’s not from sex with me . I never seen this before or maybe it was on it before but I didn’t notice ? . I don’t think he would cheat on me we been together for 10 years . We are in our late 20s . I’m just asking is this a normal thing for you men or should I be asking him !!!???? lol . I don’t wanna embarrass him nor embarrass my self . I already feel bad for even looking at it but it was right in front of my eyes and wouldn’t help but wonder .

  1. If he isn’t having sex he masturbates, obviously, and sometimes even after clean up a little slides out over time. But even if he didn’t “finish”, it’s normal for a bit to slide out just when someone is horny. I don’t know your lives but there is no reason to jump to cheating or anything as an explanation.

  2. Does he get to ask you about discharge and other things he might find in your underwear?

  3. Man hear. Snail trails happen all the time, orgasms from sex and wet dreams aren’t in the slightest bit required for leakage to happen. It’s just lube usually from a man’s 24hour hormone cycle or ocassional arrousal.
    You can relax. That’s no more evidence of cheating than sweat stains on a white shirt or smelly socks

  4. Not a man but I have a question…is it on the outside of his underwear or on the inside?

  5. I never had this before IDK what it could be. could it be soap? or a little pee? or sweat and what not.

  6. When I get horny around my wife, I pre-cum like crazy and it definitely makes a mess.

  7. Honestly if he just lazily finished in his pants or had a wet dream or whatever it is, just ask him. If my wife asked me I’d be embarrassed but I’d laugh cause it’s fucking funny and it’d make a great memory

  8. If he is aroused at night, could be pre-cum, which is natural and doesn’t necessarily involve any masturbation.

  9. Nothing to see here, he did that alone, either finished or not finished, that WILL happen. Even sometimes just a trail of thought and an erection can trigger that.

    It’s gross, and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it, as sometimes it happens several minutes after the trigger 😐.


  10. It’s probably precum. When I’m all horny I’ll often have a bunch of precum leaking out. When the wife and I are laying in bed at night and I’ll be rubbing her thigh pretty much right next to her lip it gets me all worked up and there’s a mess of it in my boxers by the time I go to bed.

  11. He probably had a visit from Rosie Palm and her five sisters….ask him and see if he gets embarrassed, if he does I’m right.

  12. Totally normal. He may have been thinking about having sex with you and got a little hard. Some of that stuff just comes out of when that happens.

  13. Totally normal. Yeah, maybe a little leakage after masturbating but could very well be a discharge in his sleep which is also normal. Wouldn’t go from this to him cheating.

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