Hello, i’m 18F and my boyfriend is 20M, we’ve been together for 3 years and he’s been my first everything.

I recently caught him cheating, he sent a sexual text message to another woman and although it was only 1 message (that i know of), it hurts and I’ve broken up with him for it. However, like every other stupid teen, I cant let go of my first love and i’m still in contact with him

It’s safe to say, everything is still pretty much the same between us; the only difference is that I get mad at him a lot more often and have to hide our relationship – to everyone else we have broken up.

He’s been really insistent on his love for me, and he’s gone above and beyond to prove it. I genuinly do trust him and i’m sure that he’s willing to put in the work to mend our relationship, but obviously this has hurt our relationship

I RECENTLY got kicked out by my abusive parents. I have limited time to find a place and i’m considering moving in with him as an option. His family has welcomed me in the home, it’s in a convenient area that i’m familiar with, and itd be a good place to try to organise myself until i find another place. the housing crisis is crazy right now and this would be an inexpensive option. i earn $300 AUD a week as a student going university 3 days a week. It is hard to support myself on my own.

SO my question is, should I? Despite all the hardships our relationship has been through, should I really try to set it aside just to be able to move in? A lot of work would be needed in rebuilding that security again, but i don’t have much options. Moving in with him would mean we get back together. and i’m scared of the instability of our relationship

TLDR; 20M cheated in our 3 year relationship. has shown that he’s willing to change. I need a place to move out to, and i’m considering him to be an option. Should i try to rebuild our relationship so i can move in?

  1. No. Terrible idea. Learn to live on your own first. Do not move in with him because you feel pressured.

  2. > I…have to hide our relationship – to everyone else we have broken up.


  3. No. Absolutely not.

    Once a cheater, always a cheater. Whatever situation caused him to ‘stray’ will invariably occur again, and he’ll do it again, and you’ll be right here in the same situation over and over again.

  4. Absolutely do not move in with him. Do you have a friend that you can stay with? Tell them a couple of months you’re trying to get back on your feet. The reason I’m like don’t move in with him is because he cheated, he most likely will do it again and now you live with him. So now he has some level of control where he knows oh she can’t survive without me. You think he is willing to change, but remember you caught him cheating. He didn’t come to you in tears admittedly remorseful for what he did. If you didn’t catch him he would have continued. He is not willing to change this is just words to get you to come back. Moving in with him is going to put you in a more unstable place.

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