No metric for worst, just use whatever metric you think worst is in this case.

I don´t even know where to begin if I were answering this question.

  1. There’s a broad range of these as your description pointed out, but the one that peeves me off the most is that women are more emotional then men.

    Men’s anger is an emotion and far more prevalent and dangerous to society than women’s commonly used example of just “crying too much.” When men get emotional people get hurt. When women get emotional, we get disciplined for being too emotional lol.

    Like those interviews asking conservatives if a woman can be president and they say “no they’re too emotional.” I don’t know a single woman more emotional than trump lol.

    Also the misconception that women can’t handle pain, are born to nurture children, don’t want careers/to work, are better housekeepers, etc. there’s no end to the list lol.

  2. Women ininstinctively know how to cook, clean, raise children, and take care of men.

    Also, that women instinctively “want” to cook, clean, raise children, and take care of men.

  3. That having a girlfriend is expensive.

    It doesn’t have to be expensive, and often isn’t. A lot of us want to go halfsies on dinner. A lot of us would much rather your time and effort than your money. A free cupcake from work or a doodle you drew means you were thinking about us.

    In the same vein, giving us STUFF doesn’t make everything better. Getting me chocolates every time you make an oops doesn’t make the oops go away. Getting me jewelry or accessories doesn’t erase the fact that you disrespected me. Taking me to a fancy restaurant where I don’t even like the food doesn’t make up for months of neglect. $$$ doesn’t replace respect. Do better.

  4. Women exaggerate their health problems and go to the doctor because they are anxious or “attention seeking”. It’s maddening and exhausting.

  5. That they all want to be mothers and have a maternal instinct. That they want to be cared for and a housewife. Also that most of womens health issues are hormone related but yet birth control can’t have huge side effects like massive weight gain when it 100% can.

  6. The one where we’re like… fundamentally different from men. Not that we’re raised differently, have different socialisation, and different cultural expectations and experiences; but that women and girls are intrinsically **other**. We like pink and sparkles and soft things, and we’re naturally nurturing, we’re more gentle and caring, we don’t like sports and hunting and cars and woods and *manly things*. We value appearance, again, not because we’re taught to, *its in our nature*. Our minds are completely foreign and mysterious, so when we say things, you can never know what we *meant*. Except other mystical, magical women, who all somehow understand the codes women speak in.

    It’s like men get to be human and straight forward, but women are like… apparently some hidden b-side of humans, like, they’re pretty obscure, you probably wouldn’t get it.

    We’re all just people.

  7. Agree with everything that’s been listed so far. It’s an exhaustingly long list.

  8. That we should be polite, bubbly, friendly or should be smiling all the time. Feels like I have to wear this mask in order to get things done otherwise I’m “cranky”.

    Too many people out there (both men and women) get taken aback or offended if women talk to them in the way that men do. A friend of mine refuses to partake in this girly behaviour and she gets so much grief over her “tone” in emails. The emails are completely fine.

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