Hi everyone. I don’t use Reddit very often so if this is difficult to read or understand, please bear with me. I’m 22F in college and have been casually seeing another student 19M since early last month. We met online and he asked me out and we went on the only date we’ve ever been on. I initially didn’t have feelings for him, but they developed as I saw him more.

Throughout all of last month, we saw each other about 1-2 times a week at my house at night. We don’t see each other very often as he says he is always very busy with homework or the fraternity he is pledging, and his phone is currently broken and can only be charged on a tracking pad so it dies a lot(this is true, it always dies at my house). He says he doesn’t sleep a lot because of all of this.

We have only had sex once, and we stopped shortly after because I was in pain. So most of the times have just been us talking, kissing here and there, with some cuddling.

I told him I liked him last month and he told me that he also liked me, but wasn’t in a place to commit right now and didn’t know when he would be because
he had just gotten out of a 4 year relationship that ended with him getting crushed and betrayed. He said he needed to heal and get over his ex, but insisted he didn’t want anything to do with her ever again.

He invited me to the frat’s day party the week before spring break (day of March 18) and asked my friend to take pics of us together. After the party, he took me home and we almost had sex but I ended up saying no after I was naked. Later, he said I should post the pics from the party on my instagram story and he reposted them.

His ex of 4 years who he broke up with in January or February and a bunch of people from his hometown all watched my story and it freaked me out. The next time we hung out he told me that he accepted her friend request and his ex was messaging him everyday begging him to take her back. I didn’t understand why he hadn’t blocked her but I didn’t say that.

I went home for spring break last Saturday (Mar 25) and he barely texted me. I came back early and he didn’t ask me to hang out or anything, which was already an issue I brought up with him before (him not initiating plans/lack of effort and me doing all the planning). Last Saturday we made plans for Sunday and then when I asked if he was still coming on Sunday he said he couldn’t make it.

It’s now a week after spring break, he’s treating me like a Snapchat streak instead of someone he told that he liked, called beautiful and interesting and said he felt like he could be his true self around. He hasn’t made plans and barely talks to me.

I’m just confused because I have been used and lovebombed by guys for sex in the past and feel like I’m being used for now, but I can’t understand what for.

  1. IF you’re being used, then from the story, it sounds like he’s using you to make his ex jealous.

  2. It seems it’s to get back at their ex or try to get back with them. Which is hard to tell even if you asked him honestly. He does seems like he liked you but he is still thinking about her, possibly. On the other side it makes sense why he wouldn’t wanna move on fast. 1 month is honestly not a lot of time to meet someone. Its an exciting part when you’re getting to know each other but it’s honestly just a short time.

  3. It seems pretty obvious that he used you to make his ex jealous, doesn’t it?

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