Well, I talked to this girl in a club and I had tried a really bad pickup line just for fun (didn’t think it would work) but she actually liked it and we talked actively for the better part of an hour in a really noisy club where talking isn’t all that funny. When she had to leave to get her train I asked for her number and after short hesitation she said no, we said farewell and she told me I was “a really interesting person” (seemed in a positive way).

I don’t really understand why you’d go through all that getting to know eachother and asking questions just to say bye like that. Wouldn’t call it a complete waste of time, it was fun, but…still

  1. It happens, that’s why usually in bars or clubs getting numbers isn’t the best place

  2. Sometimes, people live in the moment and that’s all it is to them. It’s obvious nothing you did and hopefully you didn’t spend alot on her for drinks, if so maybe she was faking it for those free drinks.. if not then enjoy the memories. Learn to live in the moment too and don’t get all caught up in things. Live freely and have fun

  3. Because talking for the sake of talking can be entertaining or amusing for the night. That however doesn’t mean that the other person is morally obligated to take it beyond that.

    It’s not a waste of time, people talk to have fun in the present regardless of the outcome. They don’t talk with an ulterior motive or goal in mind.

    If the main reason you talk to people is because you have a ulterior motive in mind that’s your problem.

  4. Maybe the topics you were talking about did not go in the direction of having a romantic date or sex. Maybe the tone wasn’t flirty. Maybe you didn’t make your intentions clear enough, so that she didn’t get that this was supposed to be a flirt that would lead up to a date.

    If so, then asking for her number came unexpected and didn’t feel consistent with the rest of the conversation. She enjoyed the talk, but no sexual or romantic feelings were sparked. So the next conversation would be quite awkward, since an interest in those things is now implied.

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