I’ve been an introvert my whole life. Never was the “extroverted ‘talker’ that everyone was looking admiring” or following (even before social media).

The more I learned and _unapologetically accepted who I was and what I liked and disliked, the better things got_.

Along the way a few loud over-confident extroverts who thought they literally glistened in the sun, were cut down to size along the way with just a few well thought words and a dose of reality. It turned out extroversion (like introversion) isn’t the problem (*not good or bad*) —but overconfidence was really a mask for lack of confidence.

At every step of the way there were extroverts *I simply could not keep up with*, or at least its how I felt. Their tsunami of words was overwhelming & draining —and still is.

There are so many of us out there that don’t have the endless need for constant social stimuli. _Nothing wrong with that at all._

So be good to yourself FIRST, take inventory of your own fundamental qualities, and yes, you can take satisfaction in who you are.

Don’t judge yourself harshly because the deluge of words from extroverts are too much to process and you feel like you “can’t hang.”

They’re different not better.

Be patient and find your people, and it will bring you joy, satisfaction and watch your confidence evolve and grow. Really just one small step at a time…

I’m a fairly confident but ‘major league introvert’ that loves the silence and being alone typing right now is satisfactory “social simulation” (as I laugh at myself for writing that) so its entirely possible friends.

1 comment
  1. It’s not that you can’t be both, it’s just that a lot of people confuse the idea of being introverted with being socially anxious or socially awkward.

    A disproportionate amount of anxious or awkward people represent introverts when compared to extroverts so it makes it easy to connect the two. It also doesn’t help that a lot of people who are quiet or reserved don’t like the fact that they are quiet and reserved.

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