Hey guys so spring semester is almost over and I will be graduating in Fall 2022 and there is this cute girl in my online class. So I dm’d her about class stuff and we talk back and forth. We crack jokes and etc. I was wondering would it be weird to ask for her number? I was thinking of saying this “Hey “name”, spring semester is finally over and I was wondering if I can grab your number?” What you guys think?

1 comment
  1. My go to has always been, (fitted to the situation) “I almost never get on here, and especially with the semester ending I won’t be checking as much. If you want to stay in touch my number is (DES)- PER-ATE.” except with numbers. I don’t think it ever didn’t work.


    Im also a fan of a bold move, would probably do it in person. Courage enough can be mustered, it’s just a choice of what you want to do.

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