I still did my fair share of social activities and parties in school but now I just have so much more downtime than I did in school. I’ve been able to meet a lot of new people at the gym and through other hobbies and work and now finally have the time to actually pursue those relationships.

To be honest, everyone I knew from school is now scattered across the country and globe so I don’t even have those friends but my social life now is still 10x better.

Idk, I feel like I hear most people say the opposite? Anyone else make more friends and have an overall better social life after they graduated?

1 comment
  1. Nah, we’re out here, but we’re the exceptions! My network expanded until I was about 40 when I stopped moving around for work. I’m 44 now and have a kid, I don’t have to work, but I’ve also moved to a small town, so while my network isn’t really growing much, I’ve built and nurtured a large enough network to more than sustain me, and I have to make sacrifices socially to be the parent I want to be.

    So I call on you as I call on myself to use some of that precious downtime to nurture the next generation, and give back where you can!

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