What are some of your pain points?

  1. – Shoulder joint and the attached lat muscles (at least some of the back tension seems to be referred pain from a tight chest)

    – Hamstrings/glutes

    – Tired feet that want a massage (a lacrosse ball can only do so much)

  2. i commonly have issues with male mental health clients who come expecting “advice” or “answers”, and when i have none to offer, they get disappointed and quit without giving counseling/couples’ counseling/therapy a chance.

    it’s rough because guys need therapy and counseling, and just getting them in the door is often hard enough, let alone retaining them. male client attrition is utterly off the hook, and it feels like it’s been even worse since covid.

    currently, and for as long as i’ve been a therapist, 90% of my clients are women.


    i’ve also been a little bit lonely recently. my wife has been seeing a ton of patients lately, and she’s been coming home, eating something, showering, and going to sleep almost immediately after. i don’t blame her, i know her work is tiring, but i’ve been kind of bored and a bit listless of late.

    my own therapist has also been on vacation the past few weeks, and i’ve been missing my usual friday sessions. i’m looking forward to her coming back next week, because damn, those weekly sessions help me stay sane >.>

  3. Sore right elbow post surgery 1.5 years ago. Now get numbness and tingling in my fingers each time I wake up.

  4. My left knee ( I dislocated it when I was in highschool) it hurts whenever it gets humid or rains. Also my lower back hurts if I slack on doing core exercises. I also broke my wrist as a kid and need to stretch it regularly or it hurts too. I’m only 26

  5. I have neuropathy from uncontrolled diabetes.

    In no particular order:

    Legs – anything that’s not skintight feels like sandpaper – co-codamol needed if I want to wear jeans or trackies or dress trousers.

    Soles of the feet – burn all the time and everything but the most solid shoe soles are unbearably painful.

    Fingers and hands – back when I first started getting neuropathy, if I touched something wrong, like a mug or a pen or a door handle, it would be a solid couple of minutes searing blackout agonising screaming pain like I’d never felt before. After a medication review, that’s subsided now but I have less feeling in my hands now and fumble and drop things all the time because I can’t tell how tightly in holding them and intricate things are nigh impossible because of the sensation loss in my fingertips.

    Belly – I have IBS. Crippling, doubled up agony from wind and trigger foods like milk, wholegrains and peanuts.

    Gout – contracted after wearing a new pair of army boots in on an 8 hour shift in a pub. They cut across my toes but it wasn’t unbearable. Woke up the next day and my big toe was in searing pain, like someone had put a hot needle through the joint. I lived 500m from my GP and it took me half an hour to walk there and I nearly fainted. One blood test later and confirmed gout.



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