How do I ask my girlfriend to kiss my neck, chest and specially my nipples , and to use her tongue also , during foreplay I am the only one to do those kisses to her , i also want her toh do these things to me , how can I telk her , what should I say , i am afraid she might make fun of me for that nipple thing…

  1. “Can you kiss my neck?”

    “Can you kiss my chest?”

    There’s no reason she should make fun of you for wanting your nipples licked or kissed. If she does do you want to be with someone like that?

  2. By opening your mouth and using your vocal chords to form words. You tell her exactly what you’re wanting and go from there. Communication.

  3. During foreplay, I point to spots on my neck and say, “Kiss me here, here, here, and here.”

    While he’s kissing, “Go a little lower.”

    “Now suck my nipples.”

  4. Grab the squirty can of cream . Shoot some where you want it
    Then smile …..

  5. You can just tell her during sex: ” Kiss my neck.” And thean moan and make it shown that you enjoy it. For any decent sexual partner that should be incentive enough to do it again next time.

    Gosh I’d be so happy if my bf verbally expressed to me that he’d like that, or anything really, to make me know I can satisfy his need. But I guess I’ll just have to be happy somehow with me guessing what he wants and him lying in silence.

  6. I find that if you can not actually talk to someone…writing a note is sometimes easier.

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