Men do you prefer toilet paper or a bidet to clean yourself after going to the toilet, why?

  1. the bidet is clearly the superior choice.(but you still use paper first)

    but i live in a land of godless bastards now so i dont get to have it.

  2. No FUCKING way am I going to just clean my ass with a toilet paper.

    I am taking a shit right now. There’s bidet right to me, toilet paper left to me. I can’t imagine why people think it’s okay to just wipe their ass and go about their day.

  3. Get this, if a cat came and popped on your carpet or your hand. Would you just wipe/brush it?

  4. You guys clean yourself after going to the toilet? There ain’t nothing touching my asshole

  5. who the hell is rich enough to even have a bidet?

    I never even seen one in the wild. Not sure they are real.

  6. In America, most home bathrooms aren’t big enough for a bidet, and toilets that have them built in are crazy expensive and not common. There’s add-ons as low as ~$30, but they are usually junk and are made in such a way that you can’t clean part of the bowl or the unit without removing them. Not to mention the retractable nozzle that will eventually quit extending or retracting, and if you have hard water, it’s going to get clogged with lime eventually.

  7. Never used a bidet yet, so wet wipes first then toilet paper if needed. Would love to try a bidet but *nooo God-forbid we try to implement them oh nooo change bad* is keeping this from being possible.

  8. Haven’t used a bidet but I feel like it would get everything wet and I would have to result to toilet paper anyways.

    Everyone who used a bidet told me that it works great though

  9. You can use toilet paper, then after wiping yourself good enough, take more toilet tissue, wet it, and wipe yourself again. That has worked for me.. Idk how I would feel with water from the toilet everyone use going up my ass

  10. Got no bidet. No, I’m not installing one in a rented apartment. So.. toilet paper it is.

  11. Water and tissue are a must! Water first – whether a bidet, washer hose or a small watering can.. after then wipe with TP and dry up.. some people and their smelly behinds!

  12. There’s an even more convenient and easier solution. I use a handheld bidet sprayer. It’s much cleaner than a bidet seat, takes up less space, gives you more control, etc. Days where I’m forced to only wipe my ass with toilet paper or flushable wipes are truly hell on earth.

  13. I just came back from 2 weeks in Japan, and I’m totally on team bidet now.

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