My wife asked me to post this for her. She hopes to gain advice or understanding from similar stories if possible.

  1. I was a victim when I was young about 5 years old. I didn’t even realize what had even happened to me until I was telling a story from my childhood that involved one of my aunts friends who was babysitting me when I was sick. I only realized what actually had happened when I saw my wife’s face while I was describing what happened . So to answer your question yes I enjoy sex fine but I’m not sure if it would be a different story if I had understood what had happened sooner.

  2. My ex was sexually assaulted/raped by her step dad at 5/6. With absent parents, by 13 she was living w 2 boys (14 & 16) who used her for sex (raped) daily. She participated in group sex and chronic cheater having sex with literally anyone who asked.

    She spent yrs in therapy and our marriage was a significant part of her healing. We did have several years of fun, positive sex and had 2 kids I’ve been raising the last 9 yrs.

    She will likely battle with the damage the rest of her life but things have gotten better. Frankly, I don’t think there is a way to do any meaningful healing without therapy.

  3. i was sexually abused when i was 8 and raped almost everyday by my bf when i was 14-16, i thought i would never feel safe again but all it took was an amazing partner that makes me feel safe and never pressures me.

  4. I was abused for years from the age of about 7. I made a decision in my late teens to embrace my sexuality, and not let what happened negatively affect my ability to enjoy sex in future relationships. I have done a lot of exploration and experimenting and have embraced kinks. In doing this I have kind of gone the other way and become hypersexual. I have found a lot of my self worth is tied up in sex, in relationships if my partner just wasn’t in the mood or whatever it really wounded me, like if he doesn’t want me sexually he doesn’t want me…and doesn’t love me. Its taken a while for my to understand that this was the reason for me reacting this way but now I know this I can manage my emotion around this and talk myself down more logically when I am triggered in this way.

  5. I was raped repeatedly when I was 10-11, I am now actually hypersexual, probably some sort of trauma thing but. I’m ok with it

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