Hi when I was younger I used to have a strong personality. I was loud, brash, outspoken and was a leader in my friend group. At some point in my childhood I became introverted due to circumstances of my ubringing including moving and verbal abuse from my mom who would attack my self-esteem. I would describe this period as stunted growth. **I think my social problems come from the fact that I have not had ample time to workshop my personality and figure out what works and what doesn’t.** At my core I am a louder person who likes to speak their mind.

I’m looking for tips for how to be myself while still in considering others and not being considered a bitch. Due to the circumstances I’ve developed a deep self consciousness that will not allow me to say and do what I actually think due to fear of judgment from others or hurting their feelings. I know that not wanting to hurt feelings is good but the extent to which I take it is extreme, to the point where I end up saying nothing at all. I know if my type of personality that not everybody will love me. My true personality is not someone who is diplomatic and soft-spoken. I think that due to the fact that I am extremely conscious of myself I don’t think that I would become at 100% obnoxious person. However I’m looking for tips on how to strike the balance between saying what I feel and being strong and not putting people off.

  1. I also have a strong personality and I’m fortunate to have a solid network of friends and relatives ([incl.](https://incl.my) my wife) with whom I can freely express my strong side. By that I mean crack off-color jokes, go deep on politics, vent, complain, etc.

    Outside of that, I have a “treat the janitor as well as the CEO” mentality and treat everyone I meet with respect and genuine interest.

    I realize this isn’t direct advice, it’s more of a suggestion that you organize your personality by the person rather than trying to be perfect in each exchange you have.

    Because when I have the opportunity to express my demons so to speak, it gives me better awareness and control over them.

  2. Don’t confuse strong personality with lack of respect for other people.

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