What do do when someone you love moves away from you?

  1. Keep in touch. It’s 2023 so it’s super easy to do compared to 40 years ago when we had to physically write letters and wait for snail mail.

  2. Keep in touch, but I also make sure to not stay too attached as I realise that they most likely will build a new life with new social circles and friends.

  3. I moved away from my hometown and my sister stayed behind. It hurts because I always miss her but we FaceTime all the time and visit when we can. I’m in my hometown visiting her right now for a couple days. I’ll always cherish these moments.

  4. I remember I cried like my whole world would end, and I remember that day very vividly. We kept in touch on and off for quite awhile, but long distance is hard, at least from my own experience. Eventually, we grew apart, and not talking at all now.

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