Hey. Unsure if this sub the correct place for this but trying my luck.
So the last few months masturbation has almost become a chore! I’m unsure why, but this happened almost overnight. I used to cum in 15/20 minutes when jacking off. But now it can take up to 2 hours, maybe longer!!
My lifestyle and career do not allow me to spend this time doing this. So now I find my self going to bed as I always did around 11pm. But staying awake until 1am/2am just to cum. It’s becoming a hassle I don’t want.
Has anyone experienced this or have advice to help. Thanks

  1. have you started any new medications? this can impact it a lot!! especially SSRIs

  2. Depending on how often you do it, try stopping for a week or so. I know that is asking a lot. If you masturbate too much, the sensation can start to get numb and thus takes longer. I had a problem where it took quite a while, but then I took a break and my penis was way more sensitive. I try to keep it down to a few times a week at most. It could be something else, but start with the simple stuff.

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