How much money monthly did it take for you to feel like “The Man”?

  1. Back in the early 80’s I remember thinking that if I made $200 a week I’d be “the man”🤣

  2. $100 a week.

    To be fair, it was cash and I was 15. Having a stack of $5000 cash at the end of the year at 15 feels pretty fucking good.

  3. If there’s a number where just money does that, I haven’t hit it yet. There’s more to it.

  4. However stupid it sounds, there is a very certain number. Counting to the modern US dollars – about 400 a month. That’s how the pay for the job I managed to find after my wife had to stay at home with our first child and my income was the only which we had. That was enough to support our immediate needs and even save something.

    It got more with time but I already was, sort of, “a man”.

  5. When I was in my early 30’s I exceeded $10k a month after tax, At that point in my life I felt like I could run through a brick wall.

  6. Well I found a 20 dollar bill once by a stormdrain as a kid so yeah literally 20 bucks.

  7. I’m make around 90 to 120 a year now and feel the same as when I was flipping pizzas for 8 an hour. Have the same amount of fun too

  8. Via the magical power of inflation, “more than enough” has increased quite a bit both slowly over my lifetime and especially rapidly the last couple years.

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