I (22m) have been dating my girlfriend (21f) for almost 2 years now, during the start of our relationship we use to have sex all the time every chance we could I understand the honey moon phase and all that But we now live together and I’m lucky to get any action once every 2 months I feel a little unloved as I’m not getting that physical touch which is my love language, she wants to have kids and get married in the future but how can I get married to someone who doesn’t like doing the biggest form or intimacy with me as selfish as it sounds I don’t ask for much in the relationship I go to work and come home I don’t go out clubbing I do as much as I can to make her life easy and I just want to have sex more frequently. Any advice would be appreciated please feel free to say I’m over reacting if I am.

TLDR: my girlfriend doesn’t like wrestling with me and it’s slowly making me fall out of love with her because I don’t want a relationship with no wrestling

  1. Have you discussed this with her? You left out what she had to say to your desire to wrestle more often.

  2. She probably doesn’t want to have sex with a child who calls sex “wrestling”

    You are 22, buds. Use your big boy words.

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