Inspired by another post and my complete lack of experience packing daily lunches without some way to heat it.

  1. peanut butter sandwich, apple or banana or grapes, some cookies or something like that for dessert.

  2. Sandwiches, sometimes keeping stuff separate if it would make things soggy. Salads with chicken or fish, fruit, hummus and veggies or something like pita.

    I also had a job for a long time where it wasn’t easy to heat up a lunch.

  3. Things like PB&J sandwiches, Cheetos, pretzels, chips, etc. Once I got to Jr High, I just ate whatever was in the cafeteria.

  4. Sandwich with lunch meat or PBJ. Leftovers from last nights dinner. Chips. Cheese and crackers. Fruit. In high school we had a few microwaves so I would make burritos and heat them up.

  5. A sandwich and a piece of fruit to school when I was a kid. Now I also bring a bag of carrots in my work lunch. I put an icepack in my lunch bag to keep my sandwich cold if it has meat on it.

  6. High school was the only time I didn’t just eat lunch the school provided, and that was just my freshman year. I would normally eat what was in the area so Chinese food, pizza, Golden Crust or White Castle.

    My family didn’t pack lunch (throughout my school career) I assume because it was more expensive than the free lunch the school provides and time consuming to do for all of us. Much easier to give us $20/week for that 1 year or just have the school provided lunch.

  7. Double-decker peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich, every day for about six years.

  8. Turkey wrap, chips, some kind of fruit or cut veggies, a cookie, and water. That was my lunch just about every day in high school.

  9. German sandwiches with real bread, mustard instead of butter, salami and cheese.

  10. I usually had a peanut butter sandwich (sometimes with jelly, sometimes with banana, sometimes just peanut butter), a piece of fruit, chips, and a snack cake. When I was a kid I got milk at school to have with lunch, but in middle/high school I usually brought a bottle of water or a can of seltzer water.

  11. I didn’t eat lunch when I was in school as a kid. Nowadays I mostly bring leftovers to work from whatever we ate the night before.

  12. PB&J (or sometimes leftovers from the previous night’s dinner), a piece of fruit, and yogurt usually.

  13. A thermos of vegetable soup, a sliced up apple, maybe some cookies or something. One year I brought a Turkey sandwich pretty much every day. You can get around the need to heat things by just getting a nice thermos to put the food in

  14. As a kid, I would bring Lunchables like lots of kids do. If not that, a PB&J and chips or some other similar simple foods. A lot of times, my mom would pack dinner leftovers. It’s not a perfect system, but she’d microwave the food in the morning and put it in our lunchbox’s little area for regulating temperature. Got to eat a lot of Filipino food!

  15. When I was not in sports, I would just buy lunch since it was $2.

    When I was in a sport season, it was typically some meat and cheese sandwich, some cold veggies, a cup of applesauce and some flavored water.

  16. These silly american born americans, forgetting the most important part of lunch.


  17. when i was in highschool we had some microwaves so heating wasn’t an issue but in elementary school i would just eat a sandwich with some chips and an apple or something along those lines.

  18. It varied, but I usually had a fruit, some sandwich or dinner leftovers, chips or crackers (for the latter, I especially loved Cheez-Its), and some candy.

  19. In elementary and middle school most of my lunches were some sort of sandwich, either PBJ or Ham typically. Some chips, a little Debbie and a piece of fruit along with a thermos of sweet tea.

    In high school I started taking actual food. So it would just be some of whatever was left over from dinner the night before. My grandmother always cooked enough for everyone to have seconds and pack a lunch the next day so there was always quite a bit of leftovers.

  20. Elementary school it was a ham sandwich, fruit cup, and a thermos of chocolate milk. Highschool I just brought a granola bar and a pack of ramen.

  21. Ham sandwich and an orange. Sometimes I could swipe some pistachios if my mom had gotten some for my dad’s lunches.

  22. We use to have really good homemade lunch right at school for really cheap until the school decided to contract it out to a private company and the food got really bad and the price went up. Then I started bringing my own from home. Ham and cheese or peanut butter and jam sandwich. Sometimes crackers, cheese and sausage. Carrots or celery. Yogurt cup. Apple or grape juice.

  23. a sandwich (usually with oscar-meyer lunch meat i’d just end up throwing away), an apple, and two or three cookies, depending on how big they were.

  24. I almost always had a sandwich, generally turkey, some kind of fruit thing, a chocolate pudding, and a juice box.

  25. Usually a sandwich (either pbj or lunchmeat and cheese) and a piece of fruit. If I was in a growth spurt and hungrier, maybe a yogurt along with it. Sometimes a cookie or granola bar as well.

  26. Nothing, couldn’t afford to. We got “reduced price” lunches from the school

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