What are your thoughts on the CFP expansion and more and more teams switching conferences?

  1. I’m all for it. I hope the 4 corners go to the Big 12. Oregon/Washington/ Stanford to the Big Ten and then we can work on breaking up the ACC.

    Playoff I prefer 12 team playoff with home games 1st and 2nd round.

  2. My gut reaction is that I hate it. Im big on tradition and all that BS. I’m much more worried about how NIL impacts college football than conference realignment. Im all for players getting paid, but the bubble is going to pop eventually and I have a feeling that a lot of kids are going to get screwed.

  3. Conferences have always had changes, most of us are nostalgic for the alignment that existed when we fell in love with the sport. I’m still not used to Penn State in the B10 and soon enough Oregon will probably be a member.

    It’s inevitable. I think we’ll eventually be moving to 64 “power schools” arranged somehow that may even break away from the NCAA entirely.

  4. I know I’m in the minority, but I don’t like it.

    I know most want to disagree, but the BCS WAS a playoff. Two teams, one round, but a playoff nonetheless. And it at least ensured the top two teams played for the championship.

    If I had my way we would go back to the conference tie-ins and let the polls decide it, but that genie is out of the bottle.

  5. I have heard about it but don’t know what is actually happening. I don’t really understand how the conferences work in college sports.

  6. If it benefits Ohio State, I’m for it. Personally, I’d like to see a 24 team, national B16. Break it into pods and rotate. The winner of each pod is a playoff with the conference championship at the Rose Bowl before playing whoever is in the 24-team SEC in the title.

    West Pod

    Central Pod
    ND(assuming they ever join)

    Lakes Pod
    Team Up North

    East Pod
    Penn State
    (GT if ND is out)

    Massive brand names, decent mixture of quality teams, academic powerhouses for our conference academic consortium, recruiting hotbeds and climate change havens, and most importantly, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Will a lot of traditions die? Yes, but new ones will be born, and they’re not Ohio State’s traditions, so oh well.

  7. My interest in college football has tanked. My alma mater is in the Sun Belt, and I follow Sun Belt football more than the P5 stuff.

  8. As long as you can’t be kicked out of a conference… I’m fine with it.

    (Check username)

  9. Personally, I don’t like it at all. I hate that traditional rivalries are being lost, though I’ve heard some previously discontinued ones might get resurrected as a result.

    Of course, the powers-that-be don’t care what I think. Money talks, after all.

  10. I’m one of the very few who thinks a 4 team playoff is the correct number and I’m sad to see regional rivalries go, but I’m excited for the future.

    I do hope that the expanded playoff encourages rivalries to remain for out of conference games, but we’ll see

  11. I think regionalism was part of what made college football fun. Now that we’re moving to super-mega-ultra conferences, I feel like we’re going to end up losing something. Having USC and UCLA in the Big 10 just doesn’t feel right. And I do feel like the ultimate end-game of all of this is basically the SEC and B1G absorbing anything of value and becoming NFL-lite, which I’m not looking forward to.

  12. As a West Coast native, I don’t like it, and I fear for the future of the Pac-12.

  13. For the expansion. Lack of relegation/promotion system in our professional sports is the bigger thing we are missing.

  14. Laughs in mountain west.

    People come and go so quickly here. Tcu was a mw team for a hot minute, Boise state has wanted to leave. Can’t wait for more playoff games though.

  15. I wish all the eastern assholes would leave the PAC-12 alone. Jesus fuck, can’t we have one good thing without those assholes shitting all over it?

  16. I’m getting horribly burned out on the sport. The realignment arms race doesn’t help at all.

    I hate the goddamned SEC. Unlike a lot of redditors who think that southerners should all be guillotined on general principle, I hate the SEC for extrinsic reasons. I hate them because the sports media talks about the entire conference as if they are the North Korean state media singing the latest praises of Kim Jong Un. There’s nothing wrong with praising excellent performance, but if you sound like a bootlicking stooge you’re wrong.

  17. I hate the conference switching like SC and UCLA going to the big 10 still angers me and is a slap in the face to the tradition of the PAC 10/12

  18. The professionalization of the sport is turning me off of it. Eventually we are going to see a split with some schools having actual pros and the other side basically going full students. I don’t know if a second pro league can survive, but I would bet the SEC will try it in my lifetime.

  19. As a fan (and graduate degree alum) of a smaller, less successful P5 school… I don’t love it.

  20. It sucks seeing teams switch to conference that make no geographic sense and kill traditional rivalries. I understand doing it to chase money, but since college football teams only have 3 or 4 OOC games a year, it makes it hard to schedule those rivalries every year.

    I’m just glad South Carolina is already in the SEC, so they are in a good position money-wise, and our main rival has been an annually scheduled OOC game since the 70’s, so we shouldn’t lose that matchup.

  21. Well for the University of Oklahoma switching to the SEC will be good for our recruiting. Meanwhile, it’s gonna be a whole lot harder to get conference championships now😂

  22. Some of the conference alignments are dumb. UCLA and USC in the Big Ten is ridiculous. Adding Rutgers and Maryland was bad enough, but it’s all about the tv markets now. Conferences should stay regional. Instead of Rutgers and Maryland, the B1G should have added Pitt and Notre Dame (for example… I know Notre Dame is a unique case and that wouldn’t likely happen).

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