What’s your favorite job you’ve ever had, and why?

  1. Besides my current job in sales, I think either working at a tanning salon (when tanning was popular) because I got to meet so many nice people, the work was pretty fun, even the cleaning and most people coming in were happy to be there.

  2. Working in Community Relations. I’ve done work as a web developer, analyst, graphic designers, in IT, as admin, etc… Nothing beats working in Community Relations and supporting local organizations. Lots of people skill needed, lots of creativity, and you basically get to do all jobs in one – which is where I excel.

  3. I interned at a music school when I was studying abroad-basically London’s Juliard. It was the most fun job, but hard freaking work (mostly because i was also in school and one of the few students doing an internship simultaneously.) It taught me a lot.

  4. Honestly, I loved being a barista at a small coffee shop. I love coffee and I enjoyed getting to know the regulars, especially since I had just moved there from states away. It was a quick way to get to know people.

  5. When I was in college, I worked as a rock climbing instructor at an indoor gym. It was the most fun I’ve ever had at a job and the most friends I’ve made in one place.

  6. Working with racing horses. Loved the adrenaline and speed of riding and driving them, loved the excitement of watching them race and the happiness and proudness when they did well or won. What eventually made me quit was the long, irregular hours, the low pay, and the physical toll it took. Still, I was happy that I got to work with a huge hobby of mine.

  7. This might be surprising: I loved being an Executive Assistant.

    I know, desk jobs for large corporations get a bad rap these days. But those years I spent in a “boring office job” were probably the best of my career.

    Steady paycheck. Left at 5pm every day. Nobody bothered me on evenings/weekends. Good health benefits. Clean work environment. Free coffee (!!!). Paid vacation days. Cash bonuses around the holidays.

    Beat the hell outta what I’m doing now.

  8. I LOVED working at Borders! I stocked the books. 7-4am shift, got to borrow books, first access to new books. I worked on Harry Potter 7 day, it was awesome.

  9. Adult content creator. The most fulfilling job. Continue to do what I normally do but just record it? Beautifully simple, elegant, and fun.

  10. I’ve used to work selling in a Duty Free. Specially beauty products. I like make up, and it made me happy helping people to find their matching foundation or ideal lipstick (look for undertones), or to get someone a gift.

  11. Prior to my current job, my favorite was being the cart attendant at a golf course. It was really fun. I got to be outside all day, it’s fun driving the cart and the golfers are always happy to see you. I made great money and had a good time.

  12. I was a receptionist at a tug boat company as a teenager. I got paid fairly well for my age and it being entry level, but I loved it because of the people. Everyone was cool, never treated me like I was just a teenage receptionist, and basically paid for everything; lunch, fuel, new tires on my car, changed my oil, let have a paid week off when I had exams, it was awesome. Tons of responsibility paperwork wise, but a good environment overall. If they could match my current salary I’d go back in a heartbeat.

  13. In high school I worked with a few of my friends at a small local airport as an airplane cleaner. Essentially, we were cleaning rich people’s private jets and would usually start at 8pm and work until roughly 2-3am.

    I would never do it again because I couldn’t handle those hours at my age now, but it was just an excuse to hang out with my friends till super late at night, see the inside of extravagant people’s jets, and get handy with cleaning tools and chemicals 🤷‍♀️

  14. Working on cars! 😍 I got to be in my own little world, getting my hands dirty and greasy, and fixing things. Even something easy breezy like an oil change … bring that into my service bay, any day!

    I had to quit due to injury, so it’ll be more of a hobby than a career

  15. Wasn’t a paid job but when I was in high school I was a volunteer for teaching special needs children how to swim. It was the highlight of my week and I loved the kids so so much.
    They sang happy birthday to me when I turned 16 and I bursted into tears in the locker room.

  16. When I was still an intern 😍 Days spent in training, which was just a classroom set-up, going through very easy work scenarios and simulations with a fun group of people. Zero responsibility, yet we were getting paid quite nicely just to show up and pass a few easy online assessments. I remember our days would end really early.

  17. The only job I’ve had I guess. In high school I worked at my dad’s restaurant for like 5 days. The other girls I was hosting with were really cool and fun to work with.

  18. Not a job per se but I was volunteering at a crèche. It was my favourite experience bc I explored being gentle & responsible in a non-stressful way to the full extent. It was love galore.

  19. I loved working at Knott’s Berry Farm in Buena Park, CA! I was 21 and would hang out with my coworkers. We ate the food under the Jaguar roller coster! I made the nachos in Fiesta Village. But then it got bought out by a bigger amusement park and it went downhill for a while, so I left.

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