Hey I’m wondering if anyone has experienced losing an erection when using lube. Basically after my gf cums she definitely gets a bit drier and sex becomes a little uncomfortable. So I end up trying to rush my orgasm while feeling guilty that I’m hurting her (not ideal) and occasionally she’s too sore for sex the next day. Obviously lube is a solution here.

The problem is when we start using lube after I just can’t stay fully hard and I’m not sure why. I do masterbate dry, but recently I’ve been using lube to get used to it and it feels pretty great. I’m not convinced masterbation habits are the issue but I’ll keep it up.

I’m wondering if it’s mental. I definitely pride myself on foreplay/oral and when I get my gf super wet it’s my favorite thing in the world. Consciously I know lube is a great tool and would improve both of our experiences, but maybe my penis isn’t getting the memo. The act of reaching for a bottle mid intimacy kinda takes me out of it too.

I know this is a bit of word salad but if anyone has thoughts it’d be appreciated.

  1. It’s not the lube- it’s the rushing. You’re stressing and no longer in the zone so the boner leaves

  2. I doubt it’s the lube. It sounds like stress from rushing and your partner being uncomfortable. That’s pretty common. All it means is you are a good partner and care about her pleasure.

    One of the things my gf and I do after she cums is go back to a blowjob. I know lots of women that get wetter giving head and has usually worked for us.

    Also make sure you’re both hydrated with water.

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