I’ve been chatting with a guy online and he’s in a wheelchair but he says he also walks. I think he uses braces to walk. I don’t have any experience with the disabled in regard to sex. Can a man in a wheelchair feel anything during sex?

  1. I tend to forget a detail or two on this, so take what I say with a grain of salt,

    erections happen because of some signal substances that gets released into the blood stream. Which means that a spinal injury has no effect on his ability to get hard.

    However, depending on where in the spine his spinal injury is, he may not be able to feel anything.

  2. It depends on the reason of his disability, if he can walk for periods of time then it’s very likely that he can. Sex can look very different for disabled people, but they can definitely have a sex life, you have to ask him about how this works for him in particular.

  3. A very good question. If a man’s lower body is paralyzed can he still be able to do it.

  4. This entirely depends why he’s in a wheelchair. Some people lack movement but still have all sensation intact, others have impaired sensation as well. You can only know the answer by asking the individual disabled person

  5. The best person to answer the question is him. Injuries vary widely. Some people in wheel chairs still have genital sensation and others don’t. Some men in wheel chairs can get erections and others can’t

  6. I had sex with a man who used a wheelchair due to SMA. Yes, he could feel pleasure during sex.

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