I’m 22F, and am looking to branch out and make new lady friends. I’m almost a year graduated from college, I never had the chance to join a sorority or sports, and I didn’t have many friends from highschool. HS girl friends all had jealousy problems and I distanced myself from them after graduating.

I now find myself working the 9-5 grind, living with my boyfriend, and it pretty much ends there. I don’t have any girl friends to go out and do things with. I feel like I’ve missed my chance to make life long friends now that I’m past school. I wanna go dancing and hang out with other girls, take cute pictures, etc. instead of being with just my boyfriend 100% the time. I felt like reaching out to local girls on instagram but I don’t want it to come off as weird? They already have friend groups and I don’t want to feel like the odd one out basically.

1 comment
  1. You have to have a place where you can talk to people regularly and strike up a rapport. Places like that include: work, where you live (complex/neighborhood), exercise class, outdoors club, hobby/interest group, adult ed class, professional group, volunteer work (oriented more toward younger people), church young adults club, book club, painting class, political group, etc.

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