How did you get closure from someone who ghosted you when you complimented them ?

  1. Closure doesn’t come from another person. It comes from you accepting the situation as it is and not what you want it to be.

  2. I don’t understand why I would want or need closure over that. Can you clarify what you mean? Me giving someone a compliment doesn’t obligate them to me in any way

  3. What? You’re not entitled to anything because you complimented someone. Especially “closure” – which makes it sound like the attention was unwanted.

    So you leave them alone.

  4. You’re never entitled to closure or really anything. If someone respects you they may give it to you, but that’s out of compassion not out of necessity. Real closure comes from within. However, if someone ghosts me then that’s their own problem. Yeah it might hurt my feelings (might even hurt really bad) but just like anything else you learn to get over it. You can’t control how people treat you.

    I will say if someone ghosts you after complimenting them…that’s not a friendship or relationship, as that was just you being kind. There isn’t really any closure to give you. You’re not owed a conversation because someone didn’t say thank you. They simply just ignored your compliment for whatever reason. Don’t take it personally and move on.

  5. Just remember if they ghosted you they didn’t respect you and you don’t want them either

  6. I’ve never been ghosting when complimenting someone, that just sounds like being ignored.

    I’ve been ghosted after dates, several dates, and even after almost a year of dating.

    Getting closure is tough. It’s mostly realizing that it’s not about you, it’s about them. They’re the person who is having the problem and can’t communicate, and is running away from things. Sometimes the reasons are terrible sometimes they can be kinda reasonable, but either way the person chose to hurt you.

  7. You shouldn’t compliment someone with strings attached. When there are no expectations, there’s no need for closure. A genuine compliment will usually be graciously accepted with a thank you. If I got blown off, I’d suspect my compliment seemed self-serving, like a catcall (demanding attention) or a pickup line (baiting a hook).

  8. You don’t just compliment people to compliment? This gives kindness mistaken as interest vibes

  9. Was never going to get closure from them. Compliments are also just that, compliments, that don’t imply or mean anything else. So I never had the expectation or desire for closure.

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