(18M) Of course I have a high sex drive, I’m 18, but I thought she should have one too. She says she does and that she’s always horny, but she never makes a first move even though we’ve talked about her doing it more and me literally showing her how.

I respect her decision and understand it’s about what she wants too. I just need a lot more.

As for why she’s “not able to,” she’s always sick, always has a headache, always is tired, doesn’t want to cuz parents are home, hasn’t shaved… she could have a cough and she’d have the excuse of not wanting to because she doesn’t feel good.

She likes keeping me all to her own, so she literally thinks porn is cheating, but not having porn is hard when we don’t fuck enough, and she despises me getting a sex toy.. again, thinking it’s practically cheating.

If it came down to how much she actually wanted it, it’d be twice a month. I rarely get texts from her saying she’s horny, or looks that imply her wanting it. I could do it everyday. I love her body and her pussy is so nice.

I’m not sure what to do, I’m not having this be a deal breaker, we’ve been together 3 years and she’s actually perfect and someone who really understands and accepts me.

Like I said, we’ve had talks about it all the time but it’s like she just forgets next day. I often blame myself for not being sexy enough, stoic enough, “rizzy” enough because I’m asking often and often getting a big fat no. Makes me think I’m not doing good enough to deserve sex.

Just what do I do or talk to her about or set up as a routine??

1 comment
  1. If she’s on birth control, that can kill a libido….but so can a crying baby, so BC is better.

    Sex isn’t about your libido or her libido. It’s about the relationship. If she’s not getting what she needs from you, then she needs to tell you and you need to listen.

    You have some lessons to learn about love, relationships and women. She needs to learn things too. But, if your libido is the most important thing, then I guess find somebody else who can keep up.

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