Ok so I’ve read a couple posts about it but I’m not sure how to handle this better than I have been. My partner plays with/scratches his balls so often and sniffs his fingers and I find it so repulsive because one of my favourite features about him is his beard, and now it always smells like his rachet ass ball-sack. I know it’s not because he’s THAT itchy as he seldom ever shaves. Not to mention him touching my face and kissing me when the smell is all consuming.. I’ve spoken to him about this, attempting to be gentle but he just deflects it and tells me that I stink also (my hygiene routine is generally immaculate and extensive, but occasionally I have depressive episodes where I won’t practice it for 2 days max, or might be a bit smelly around my time of the month, but I tell him to stay away from me then lol) he showers mostly quickly daily, or every couple of days but I’ve noticed he doesn’t really clean himself properly and he still smells afterwards. I sometimes get in with him and scrub him appropriately with a loofah because I recognise that some people don’t actually know how to clean themselves appropriately and try to teach him gracefully. I recognise people generally enjoy their own smells but this is really killing my sex drive/attraction for him as every time I go down on him it’s 🤢. What do I do !???

  1. Hang and car freshener around his wanky so he’ll have a diff scratch and sniff.

  2. Yes, can confirm, it’s a gross habit. Every time he scratches his balls, he’s putting nasty gunk from his hands onto his junk. He wants his dick sucked, right? And you wash your hands before you eat, right? Same thing. Hands are dirty. Hands are the problem. Hands need to be washed before touching the genitals. Focus on the hands.

  3. Ew 😭 isn’t he embarrassed that he doesn’t clean himself properly? Doesn’t he want you to be attracted to him? Wth

  4. Barf. Why would you continue to date a ball-sniffer who is so foul that his face and hand smell like balls after he’s done fondling himself?

  5. The smell of balls should never be all consuming?? I’m so confused how rank are his balls?? And he doesn’t clean himself?

    He showers quickly daily (like he doesn’t rest wash his nooks and crannies?) or every couple of days (🤢) does he have depressive episodes too? Why doesn’t he clean himself thoroughly daily??

    I’m sorry OP, I don’t recommend wasting time with a man who doesn’t know how to clean himself, and doesn’t want to learn. AND deflects when told about his own flaws.

  6. Girl, do you really want to be wasting your time with someone who *scratches their balls and then sniffs their fingers*?


    This is up there with the dudes who don’t wipe their asses properly – it’s just really gross and while I think it’s great you’ve tried to help him it’s also like… he’s an adult and you’re having to teach him basic hygiene.

  7. Have you had a serious sit down with him regarding this? You shouldn’t HAVE to, but if you’re really wanting to stay with this gross human being, do yourself a favor and let him know his hygiene is making you disgusted. Set a hardline that it needs to change, and respect yourself… If it doesn’t get better, leave.

  8. He’s not gracefully accepting that he’s disgusting. You tell him to get his act right and stop smelling musty ass testicles, and if he refuses then being dirty and foul is more important than your comfort

  9. I had ex’s that were like this. They werent keepers, habits like that with cleanliness often reflect their living habits as well. No grown up has an excuse to not shower properly. Also how bad do his balls smell?!?! Every time im down there with my fiancee, I have never ever been near his balls and been grossed out by a pungent smell.

    I would set very firm boundaries if you want this relationship to last. Explain to him it is a turn off, unhygienic, and absolutely a deal breaker. Also Id have a talk about showering properly as well.

  10. don’t date this toddler? like if you need to teach the dude how to shower, don’t date that dude.

  11. Life’s too short and you’re too young. Move on now. This will drive you nuts. No pun intended.

  12. Direct and explicit in your expectations. If he attempts to follow through but slips up then bring it up directly one more time. If it continues beyond that then break up with him.

    Make the boundary clear

  13. If his balls are itching and smelling funky he likely has jock itch! Get him some non scented PH balanced genital wash and jock itch cream. If he keeps up this habit he’s going to end up with yeast/fungus in his beard too!

  14. How many posts a day can I read about men not knowing how to wash their balls, or wipe their ass, or clean dirty skid marked sheets…what the fuck is going on??

  15. If he’s always itching down there and it smells pungent, he may have a fungal infection/ jock itch. Have you noticed any weird skin issues?

    If he does have a fungal infection, and he’s touching his face and touching you, he can literally spread it to other areas of his body, and to you.

    It’s not just foul, it could literally affect your health.

    I would definitely bring this up to him. If he refuses to be hygienic, I would seriously reconsider being in a relationship with someone who won’t take their, and your, health seriously.

  16. When my ex has an itchy sack, he has fungal infection. He probably wants to get it check out. Don’t want him to be touching you with his fungal fingers. Yikes!

  17. Every day on this sub it’s someone going “my man shits the bed”, “my man treats his ballsack like a scratch and sniff”, “my man sharts in public”, “my man always leaves pubes in the peanut butter”. And every day, the advice is “ew, dump him”

  18. Stop being nice to these dirty ass men who can’t wash their genitals BULLY HIM GIRL

  19. He needs to wash his nasty ballsack smelling hands, that’s embarrassing. I can’t believe he would bring up your crotch smelling once in a while when his literal hands and beard are constantly smeared in eu du sáck. This is a totally valid dealbreaker but maybe if he knows other people might know he’s the ballsack man he might start to care more?

  20. He needs to wash his asshole. With soap, daily. You would be shocked at how many people I have met who don’t do this. His balls should not stink that bad. Holy hell I’m sorry

  21. I’d suggest a product called Lume, or hey here’s a mind blowing idea!!!! Tell him to wash his balls but in the way the prostitute told anchor man “IM Steve Rogers” in Trailer Park Boys show

  22. OP, this is absolutely atrocious. The mere thought of leaning in to kiss my SO and getting a whiff of dirty balls on his beard makes me physically ill. I want to die just thinking about it. And he TOUCHES your face. With his scrotum fingers. Covered with whatever fucking ball cheese he’s managed to scrape up with his fingernails. What in the absolute fuck is wrong with this guy, and why are you putting up with it?!

  23. This is why I don’t touch door knobs and railings, and elevator buttons. Fucking gross.

  24. Wait…you say he plays with his balls, then literally sniffs his fingers?? Like right in front of people?? What do others say? I’m usually against public shaming, but this dude needs to be called out. He needs an intervention. “Dear Kevin, your public ball scratching/sniffing has effected our relationship negatively in the following ways….”

  25. Ever tried not being gentle about it? Girl, look that man in his face and tell him he reeks and to wash his ass or get out of your house. No arguments or back talk. If you’re gonna be out here teaching him how to clean himself like his mama, then you might as well commit. Your boyfriend is disgusting. Does he even wash his hands? Why would you let him touch any part of you or your home after that? Like are you having sex with him while he’s dirty like that? ‘Cause that’s a great way to get BV or a yeast infection. Mans is out here affecting your health and you’re on Reddit asking the wrong questions, frankly.

    Personally, I’d break up with him. No way in *hell* some dirty ass man is gonna sit in my house scratching his grody nutsack, stinking up the air around me. My fiance and i both have depression and go through times were even the motivation for showering is too much, but if one of us tells the other “Dude, you’re getting kind of ripe,” bet your ass we go shower.

    Eta: Also, any man that tries to be like “Oh, well your coochie smells!” in response to you telling him about his hygiene is weak af and is not the partner you want.

  26. Sometimes you just have to be direct. You’ve tried being gentle, that didn’t work.

    So.. tell him that you find his finger smelling habit gross. And that if his balls are sweaty, he needs to wash them. Not smell them, not put his gross hands on you, nothing. Wash. You tell him that his habit is making his hands and face smell repulsive and it’s starting to make you not want intimacy with him. Tell him that if he can’t keep himself clean, you’re not kissing him or having sex/oral.

    God only knows how much bacteria he’s spreading everywhere with this nasty habit. This IS breakup worthy.

  27. Bruh… lmao you’re washing him in the shower? Nah, I would dump someone over this for sure. He’s a ball sniffer 🤣🤢

  28. Explain to him his hygiene or lack of is killing your sex drive. Then stop going downtown.
    Stop all sexy time.
    If he asks why…
    Tell him you’re not going to put up with him stinking out loud anymore.

    It’s on his balks, his hands, face, and you will never tolerate the stank on you.

  29. Jesus Christ the bar is fucking low. Satan tripping on it low.

    Don’t date the ball boy, he’s in a committed relationship with his pube stank.

  30. Well if you want to stick with the ball sniffer, that’s your choice. But I would definitely not be down there sucking his dick with ball stank wafting up.

  31. WTF Would you still go down on him if he doesn’t know how to wash. You’re just as dirty as he is. Blech!

  32. I love Reddit. Any time I’m feeling a bit down on myself I can just hop on here and I’ll read a story about someone like Captain Ball Beard and his nut smell fetish and I’ll realize “I’m not that bad”.

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