As the title says, I really enjoy cumplay and really want to make my cum taste nicer. At the moment is doesn’t taste like much apart from being a bit acidic? (Don’t really know what word to use).

Any help is much appreciated.

  1. Sweet stuff fruit is a good source pineapple 🍍 I’ve been told makes it sweetest ,stay away from greens or anything rich in iron

  2. all the women i had sex with asked me to cum in their mouth cuz it tastes good , i think that it depends on what you eat

  3. I eat a vegetarian diet every other week and my wife says that towards the end of my vegetarian weeks my cum tastes noticeably better. Eat more veggies and less meat

  4. so what makes it taste bad: alcohol, fast food, tons of poor meat choices (hamburgers) and animal fats, nitrates. And milk dairy products. Soda, coffee etc… doesn’t help either. If it makes your pee or poo smell, then it does the same to your cum.

    What makes it taste neutral: lots of natural whole foods: veggies, fruits etc.

    I tried the pineapple juice, not a huge difference. I went to lean chicken and shrimp for the most protein, added a side of raw veggies with some dressings every day and eat an apple or piece of pineapple. The veggies are those small bell peppers that are super sweet (2-3), 1 small English cucumber, and a 4-5 carrot sticks/baby carrots. I try as a 170lb male to get at least 3 quarts of water in a day
    When I do this, it takes about 3-4 days and I have more abundant loads, non-sticky or goopy, and it tastes very neutral with maybe a hint of salt (think cucumber neutral). ITs not bad and she doesn’t like it in her mouth, but she never gags and will play a bit with it before spitting when I do this.

    Those days I ate BBQ all day she’d instantly gag and rush to spit it in case she threw up.

    She doesn’t mind me finishing in her mouth with this. I know it tastes good because I’ll tongue kiss her afterwards and sometimes she puts some into my mouth with a finger when I’m done: so it created cum-play. Also, she said she didn’t want to do anything I wouldn’t try, so I did swallow my own load a few times: I know when it’s nasty and this method truly isn’t bad. In fact, it tastes a lot like her taste. We might have created a cum fetish!

    hopefully that helps. “you are what you eat” is truly the thing here!

  5. 1. Healthy diet with as little processed food as possible.

    2. Sufficient hydration.

    3. Bromeline supplement (a chemical compound in pineapple).

    Source: My jizz tastes fantastic. 😂

  6. Almonds, cranberries, pineapple, apples to name a few, red meats, alcohol and cigs can make it bitter or awful. Stay hydrated, supposedly regular exercise can help with regulating things down there (improve consistency, amount, etc). I have no information on whether or not pot affects taste, whether the person receiving is high or the person cumming is, but, if pot is legal where you are and youre not anti-pot definitely try sex stoned on indica, it kicks any physical pain and heightens your nerves responsible for pleasure, it also can affect tastes, often making them more flavorful or intense, similar to how msg affects food.

  7. Drink plenty of water and pineapple juice and avoid heavy foods like meats and cheeses

  8. Quitting smoking and avoiding alcohol helped to improve the taste of mine at least 🙂 also, avoid garlic, it makes cum taste horrible. Fresh fruit and esp pineapple makes it tastier, too 🙂

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