Hello! I am a little bit nervous to ask a doctor about this so I thought I’d try the internet…

I had protected sex over a week ago, and ever since I have been bleeding vaginally. I am mildly sore and the sex was slightly painful (most sex is for me), but I’ve never bled like this before. The guy was gentle but also the largest I had ever been with, if that affects anything. The bleeding looks almost like light/average flow period. It is anywhere from bright to medium red. However, my period was not due to start for two weeks.

I am on birth control to lighten up and regulate my flow and have been taking it as instructed. I have recently started on multiple medications that increase risk of bruising, so I’m hoping maybe this is caused by that! I am anemic, so I am starting to get worried about losing this much blood. I’m wondering if this has happened to anyone else or if anyone has advice/wisdom for me!

I know this probably isn’t the best place to ask, but I am scared. I will approach the topic with a doctor soon if it does not stop. Just thought I’d see if this had happened to anyone else. Thank you!

  1. Hey, sweetie! This also happened w me too but the bleeding only lasted for a day or so. My doctor told me he tore my insides basically. If it’s lasted that long, you should really see a doctor! Feel better!

  2. Some questions that could help:

    – how old are you?
    – any history of STDs that you know of or a chance of an STD you don’t know of? ( e.g. sex with someone you don’t really know and didn’t use a condom)
    – is your flow heavy without birth control?
    – any history of excessive bleeding from things like a dentist appointment?
    – any family history of clotting disorders?

    Regardless of what anyone here says, go see your OBGYN (or get an OBGYN and then go see them).

    Most likely explanation, based on what you told us, is that it’s tissue damage.
    It could be complicated by a couple things though, such as

    – a clotting disorder caused by either genetics or medications causing you to bleed more than you should
    – an untreated STD or past damage from an STD

    An OBGYN will likely take a detailed health and sexual history and then perform a pelvic exam which, if you’ve never had one, can be quite invasive but will allow them to make the best diagnosis.

  3. ooh yeah, it’s best to go in if it’s been bleeding that long. it’s most likely tissue damage but if sex always hurt too then there might some other problems. goodluck and i wish you the best

  4. Might just be a tear but a week is a long time. Bleeding can also be something serious like cancer so you should see a doctor.

  5. It’s not just about size there are a lot of symptoms & instead of looking for content on internet it’s better to visit a doctor & get properly diagnosed

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