How do you deal with others who think they’re better than you?

  1. I ignore them. I don’t really care what they think and feel no need to disabuse them of their misconceptions.

  2. Just let them think it! The need to be “better” than others is likely based out of their own insecurity. I’ve gotten to a point where as long as I’m not out of line in anyway, then I don’t give two craps what people think. It’s honestly so freeing, I just try to be the best version of myself and I don’t play the 1 upping/comparison game. Comparison is a thief of joy. Be the best you and trust that you worthy and you are good enough!

  3. If I don’t have to, I don’t. People who view themselves as superior to you in any way will not be able to learn from you, because they don’t respect you. You cannot teach someone to respect you, unless they are a child.

    If I DO have to deal with those people I will humiliate them in front of other people. They might not respect me, but they do respond to that.

  4. They’re my parents and my older sister and I simply act like they don’t exist. My world is much better without them in it.

  5. i choose peace. i dont surround myself with people like that. and if i have to deal with them (bc of work, school, etc) then i ignore it. they will eventually realize that you really dont care and will stop acting like they r better.

  6. I pester them with endless questions until I either learn something interesting or disprove their superiority.

    Sun Tzu said, “Make your enemy think you’re strong when you’re weak and weak when you’re strong.” Arrogant people make an error in your favor when they underestimate you.

  7. the real question is how to deal with myself thinking others are better than me

  8. Do whatever it takes to get that person out of your life, even if it means distancing yourself from others who still associate with that person. Life is too short to voluntarily subject yourself to poisonous people.

  9. I pretend (or a actually) don’t notice and take their back handed compliments as genuine and thank them senserly

  10. I don’t generally mind them, unless they’re obviously smug about it. I focus on always looking sharp, elegant, nice, and clean. Maintaining my image is important to me, it’s what gives me confidence. I’m sure it also portrays order to others; so, when they think they’re better than me, I know they know deep down that they’re not, because _those who think they’re better than me don’t look like me_.

  11. I don’t say anything, i eventually prove the opposite with actions but i don’t bother to making sure they notice. If they are in the same environment as me, they’ll notice themselves and I will act natural as if I don’t even know they’re there, that will hurt them more.

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