My ex now … I can’t believe I’m saying that…broke up with me over text right before my birthday vacation with him. …we had been almost at two years, we had two vacations planned and two races ( we run races) planned…and he was finally moving home.
He asked me what I wanted for my birthday. I told him all I need was him and something else. His response was ya I can buy that for you. I was like…ok? What’s going on? And FLOOD GATES.
He advised he felt complacent and unhappy in his life. Than he just said we should go our separate ways. Over text.
He is a combat vet and he has things he never dealt with. He has never EVER been that cold towards me. I was stunned. I just saw him two weeks ago and he was completely normal towards me, loving and caring. We went on dates. He stayed for five days and now just gone.
I’ve been on and off crying since it happened. I had to remove all his stuff from the house. I couldn’t bare seeing it. I had to cancel my vacation. Thankfully some of my friends are running a race and asked for me to join them to not let him get to me and I deserve better
I jusy cant believe the person i loved so much and who swore be loved me and was my best just gone and ill nevet see him again..i haven’t felt this bad in years…I dont know what to do. . .male 27 female 37.

Tldr: he broke up with me over text out of nowhere right before my birthday vacation with him. How do I move on.

  1. My ex broke up with me the day before our anniversary so I kinda get how you feel on an important day. I moved on by making new friends and hanging out with them a lot, be more social and go to events, go to the gym get the frustration out, find a hobby, meet new people go on dates. It will ease over time trust me and you will find the right guy 🙂

  2. I was just broken up with over text as well after just being with him for a few days. The best visit we’ve ever had and he even acknowledged it. Still never got an actual answer or reason for the break up and probably won’t ever hear from him again. It’s definitely hard but we got this

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