How do you feel about Art Nouveau art and architecture? Do most Americans know about this?

  1. I like the art, reminds me of a fairytale book I used to have

    The architecture, on the other hand, leaves much to be desired IMO

  2. I have no idea what that is/means, but I also don’t really care about those kinds of things. I can’t really speak for others.

  3. It’s not symmetrical enough for me. I do like the colors though, those are fun.

  4. I think it’s pretty, reminds me of the original Wizard of Oz series’ illustrations.

  5. It’s lovely. I have a chocolate tin from about 1910 with the most beautiful art nouveau lithograph.

  6. I have no particular opinion other than liking some of the interior design…

    But you mentioning it did make me want to listen to The Manhattan Transfer’s *Soul Food to Go.*

    “*Want some more we always save some*

    *Art nouveau for special patrons*

    *You look nice do you believe in jazz?*”


  7. It’s not what I’d want in my house, but it looks cool. I like Hector Guimard’s work a lot. It just looks fun. Do most Americans know about it? No idea, I’m an artist’s husband and a nerd who knows too much about metro stations.

  8. I don’t think you’re going to find a lot of people in any country that know a ton about art and architectural movements of the past, especially if they aren’t culturally significant to their own culture. You’re going to find the odd person who enjoys those things anywhere, but on a broader scale I highly doubt it. These are niche topics within niche topics

  9. I don’t mind it. I prefer Beaux Art architecture. I just love symmetry, orbament, and grandeur. Art Deco is up there, too. I doubt most Americans know much about Art Nouveau, but I was an architecture student for 2 years.

  10. Of course!

    It’s wonderful when done well. Antoni Gaudi is one of my favorite architects, or even artist as I consider his work. So far ahead of the world in his designs. Art Nouveau was inspired by organic compositions transformed into almost whimsical designs. A walk through Sagrada Familia makes this evident, with details inspired by everything from cone flowers to the sea.

    Art Nouveau hit the US a little after Arts and Crafts. Craftsman evolved from Arts and Crafts and shared the same organic ideals. Man does not conquer nature. Architecture is not about dominance but coexistence. A walk through a Craftsman house is a transition to nature.

    Craftsman and Mission became dominant styles here. They came from the same source of inspiration, but I think the less whimsical designs appealed to Americans more than Art Nouveau.

    It might also be that our craftsman didn’t have the skill to build the intricate Art Nouveau styles.

  11. Haha I live in one of the centers of Art Nouveau design in Europe. Big fan.

  12. I really like the style on public buildings, and I can admire Art Nouveau houses, but I wouldn’t want to live in one. Too much expensive maintenance to keep it looking good.

    The style does exist in the US, but it isn’t particularly common or prominent.

  13. A quick Google Search tells me enough to say that I don’t want to live in a Spy Kids castle.

  14. When I was a girl and my parents were still married, my father would often gift my mother books about artists or art styles.

    One of my favorites was always a book about art nouveau. I loved the seemingly modern touches like the graphic black outlining juxtaposed so beautifully with the soft and flowing naturalistic lines and colors. As an American looking at pictures of art nouveau buildings they all seem romantic, like Parisienne style. You see a lot more examples of art deco in in the USA and I do admire the style and prefer it to a lot of the styles we’ve cluttered things up with since then, but I tend to wish there were more art nouveau styled buildings as readily available to study here.

  15. Art Nouveau is great for posters and stained glass.

    I dislike the furniture and the architecture is kind of meh.

    Art Deco is the opposite. Furniture sucks but the architecture is tops.

  16. Alphonse Mucha is one of my favorite artists.

    Definitely wish there was more architecture in the style local to me though. I adore just how flowing and organic it is.

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