Hi I’m new here, just wanted to ask you guys about this one that’s bothering me for a while.

I have a constant fear of being myself, I feel like people don’t like much when you act self confident and therefore opinionative & rather eccentric(in my case), why should I be always super laid back and agreeable?(that one annoys me the most). I hate that people expects me to hide my own self for the sake of keeping their own “confort bubble”.

The thing is, I have a huge fear of being the asshole one, the one who acts like a jerk and that no one likes but he(me) just insist into getting close to people and are oblivious to their own annoyance to others.

Just being confident and myself already makes me judge things in a healthy way, what should I say or shouldn’t, what person I will have a great time or not, but why do some people want/expect me to act on their own terms else I’m no good? I’m not trying to be annoying I just don’t like being “the passive one” that let everyone say or do what they want to me.

1 comment
  1. Learn to assert yourself in a reasonable way. It’s actually part of becoming a better person. Take up space and be righteous.

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