When/how did you find love in the most unexpected way/time?

  1. Really boring answer. I just agreed to meet someone on a whim. And it sounds bad, but I was not looking to meet anyone, and I didn’t think he was after me in that sense either because he said he just wanted someone to study with (yes, I am dense).

    Anyways,it might not sound unexpected, but to me it was. The guy had thought I played hard to get when I kept turning down places he suggested, until he realized I hadn’t gotten his intention so he just rolled with it. Then it just kinda evolved into a relationship over time. All because I thought a dude needed some help with his studies.

  2. I was minding my own business at a total dive bar one night, this dude was out with friends, completely shitfaced, was walking behind me when he ate shit and accidentally had me wearing his drink.

    We got to talking, things happened.

    …yeah 20-odd years later we have the same last name and joint legal responsibility over several mini humans.

  3. I still have a huuuuge crush on my work’s branch manager

    I was barely working there for more than a month before I met her, she took my breath away

    Super tall, wears a black suit, librarian glasses, long black hair, always has a serious look on her face

    I’m crazy scared to talk to her considering I only ever see her in the workplace and I don’t know what I would say, she also looks at me with these “You better be doing your job” eyes that make me shudder, I really really really want to get to know her better, but I have no idea how

    Plus she’s like 10 years older than me and I have no idea if she’s married or not or even into women :

  4. I met my girlfriend without even leaving my place. She moved in as a third roommate to me and my friend and three months later we were dating.

  5. Neither of us were happy or looking for a relationship. I hit on him, we had a drunken ONS, kept sleeping together, bam— were in a fully committed relationship and crazy in love.

  6. I had a crush on a regular at work, didn’t see a ring and casually flirted for months every night, then met him after work to give him my number. it’s been a few years and my kids adore him

  7. Now unfortunately this isn’t about my husband, but he won’t mind me including the story of my ex. And looking back on that relationship now, it was more unhealthy attachment then love, but still an interesting story.

    So I had just moved to a large city a few states over from where I grew up, didn’t know a soul. Made a couple of friends and was ready to start dating. So I got on Tinder and started swiping lol, swiped on this random guy that I didn’t recognize, however he was from my home state (a couple towns over.) He swiped back & we started talking.

    Push comes to shove he and his friends meet me and my friends out after a big concert one night and we really hit it off. We dated for a year, but where it becomes super random is that he was actually very good friends with my ex-best friends (nothing dramatic just moved cliques in high school) and recognized me when we first swiped on each other.

    In high school, he had actually asked my ex BFF if she could give me his number because he wanted to ask me to prom in high school. I ended up going to prom with my girlfriends, but my ex bf was there. He never got the courage to ask me to dance, but I always thought what a small world. Again, we ended up not being a match, but it was an unexpected “romance.”

  8. I wouldn’t say it was an unexpected way, but with my current BF it was kind of a wierd convergence of time and circumstance for us to meet when we did and would’ve never had a chance if I didn’t choose to go the night I did.

    At the time, I wasn’t really dating and wasn’t looking to date. Like at all. I didn’t anything to do with a relationship. But my friends were *constantly* trying to set me up with people and it was driving me insane.

    One of my close friends for several years kept telling me about this guy she used to work with who now worked(s) with her fiance she would say “the second he’s single and looking I’m setting you two up” and sure as shoot that day came and she would NOT stop pestering me about it.

    That week there was this boujee black tie formal charity event thing they were going to that he would be at. Which, this kind of event is literally my worst nightmare. Being stuck in a hot dress outdoors with a bunch of old rich men slinging money at a charity. Nope. But… there was free wine and she was insistent that this was my “one shot” and he “wouldn’t be on the market for long”.

    So, I got the down low on him, did some creeping/research on him and he seemed to check all the boxes on paper and was really really attractive so I reluctantly agreed to go and at least mingle since we were going with a group I didn’t have to be there one on one the whole time. Worst case scenario, I could at least be there to down a couple chardonnays and had 0 expectations other than just seeing what’s out there.

    What I *didn’t* know, is apparently ALL of his friends and their SOs were essentially competing in trying to set this guy up with people they knew. It was like their IRL version of the Bachelor which is *hilarious* knowing him and his friends now because they were super into it and had been waiting for this day for years. 🤣

    But, if I hadn’t met him that night, 100% wouldn’t have got a shot otherwise becsuse they had penciled the poor guy down to meet like 5 other people and somehow I later learned I was “vehemently his first pick by a mile” as they described.

    Anyways, start of the event was miserable. Hot, humid, stuck listening to cringy jokes and conversations from random people before he even got there. Once he did, he didn’t even come to the table we were at for like 30 mins and was just cutting up with people (I now know this was on purpose) 🤣. But seeing him it built the suspense and kind of frustrated me because in my mind I was thinking “stop talking to the old dudes and come talk to me you stupid boy!” and I started to want his attention bad.

    Eventually, despite being kind of a shy person in these scenarios, I asked my friend to take me over and introduce me. We all three chatted for a few minutes, first glance, he was super nice, *very* nice to look at, pretty eyes/smile, smelled GREAT and was very charismatic in how he spoke and I got why so many people wanted to talk to them. He seemed slightly interested but couldnt get a read on him. After two or three minutes, he went off to go do something else (also intentional). At which point I was *pissed* that this stupid guy just blew me off and I wore some stupid dress and heels for no reason and wasn’t about to not get my shot.

    A little later on, as I’m walking to go get some more wine, he comes up to me with what I was drinking already, and says something like “So, the word is, you’re a lot of trouble…so am I.” (inside joke with my friends but I am, in fact, trouble 🤣). We ended up talking for a good 30 minutes and I felt really comfortable one-on-one with him and was very open, which is rare for me becsuse I get anxious. But, for the rest of the night I had his undivided attention and he had mine and I was *very* into him right off the bat. And it went from there!

    But in all, if I had said no, or it was any other time or place. I would’ve never met him and I’ve never found someone I’ve been so compatible with in every aspect and a year in I love him more and more every day. ❤️ But, still salty he intentionally blew me off like that to get me to chase him. 🤣

  9. I had just moved across the country for a research program. I told myself I wasn’t going to date before I got here because I didn’t want to get tied down to my new location cuz it sucks and is only temporary (in the Midwest and I’m from the west coast).

    I downloaded Bumble for Bumble Friends and Tinder with a clear “friend only” tag in my bio. Matched with this guy a week after moving that seemed super funny and just happened to be attractive but I wasn’t dating so I was just excited to have a friend! We decide to meet up and get food.

    This was in June 2022, we’ve been inseparable since and he’s my boyfriend now. We’re moving in together this summer and this is my first time I see myself getting married and sharing my life with someone.

  10. Was dumpsterdiving on a dating app and found gold. We both wanted something serious and stable and was tired af of hook-up culture. We’ve been together ever since. He’s the best person I’ve ever dated and all because I decided to keep looking.

    Another one is when I literally fell over a guy lying on the ground at scout camp when I was 14. We went nowhere without eachother for the rest of the day, kept in contact and ended up dating for 6 years. Sadly, we burned too bright together and it got toxic. But I still have love in my heart for him and I hope he is very happy wherever he is.

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