i (19m) know I’ll prob be yelled at in the comments below but I’m posting this anyway

The girl I’m currently talking with is being really confusing. We’ve met up in person a few times and hit it off really well, talking for long periods, good banter and got a real good vibe. thus, i asked her out to which she said yes (yay).

I asked her out 3 days ago, and we haven’t
been out yet as we’re both away atm

she’s always been quite dry on snap but even since asking her out she’s been real dry on Snapchat/messages – short responses, leaving on delivered for long periods of time (sometimes over a day) despite being active

What does this mean and plz help?

The girl I’m talking to is sort of ghosting me despite agreeing to go out with me

  1. She’s probably just more focused on having a good time wherever see is! Snap likes to mess with me and tell people I’m online when I’m not but maybe she’s trying to take time for herself before investing in you. She could be responding to friends if she is actually online! Try to not overthink it much

  2. I’d be blunt, ask if everything is going well between you two, or call each other to have a fun convo.

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