Hey /r/sex,

My boyfriend (M) and I (F) are here with a question for you all. We’ve been together for some years now and are super in love with each other and very, very (maybe almost a little too) comfortable with each other.

So, my boyfriend used to try to smell my morning breath as a joke because he knew it made me uncomfortable since I am self-conscious about it and we’d both laugh and so on and so forth.

Over time and as we’ve gotten more comfortable with each other, I’ve started to just let him do it because fuck it, I love him, and it turns out he loves my bad breath too. A lot, apparently.

What we found was that my bad breath, particularly my morning breath, turns him on like nothing else. He takes one sniff, and bam, he is hard as a rock. He legitimately loves the smell. I used to not let him do it but now I let him smell it whenever he wants because it genuinely turns him on and his hard dick is, well, evidence.

We think this is utterly hilarious but are also curious to know if anyone else experiences this, which is why we’re here. We’ve heard of people being attracted to each others BO and other bodily smells, but we think the morning breath thing is particularly weird and need to know if this happens to others.

So, anyone here get extremely turned on my the smell of their partner’s morning breath?

  1. Interesting, but did just the opposite – a girlfriend and I used to keep a roll of Certs breath mints on the headboard. If one wakes up to the sound of the paper on the roll being peeled back one knew that a half hour of serious sweating was about to commence…

  2. I’ve been with mine for 9 years . Tbh I don’t like any bad breath . Idc how In love I feel it’s a turn off for me lol . I always brush before kissing or eating . I’m even grossed out by tongue kissing and saliva 😂

  3. yes actually . . . . not because i find it particularly sexy or anything, but just because the scent reminds me of the first time we had sex together / the image of him ejaculating from something that i did hahahahah . the olfactory system has a great connection to the amygdala + hippocampus, so it makes sense to me that smelling my bf’s morning breath brings me back to good memories + sweet mornings after 😀 it’s not the most arousing scent in the world (far from it !!) but it’s like . it’s gross but it makes me smile haha

  4. I can’t say I feel the same, but it doesn’t seem all that weird to me either. It’s an intimate smell, you only smell it when you sleep with someone, so why wouldn’t it have intimate connotations?

    But good on you both for getting a good laugh out of it too!

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