I am dating this guy for a month and a half now. We met from a dating app. Ever since, he’s not the best in texting. Responds hours later… but tries to reply to most of the messages.

Also, 4 out of 5 dates are just dinner for about 3 hours and the other time it lasted more than that was when we had sex on the 4th date.

Now.. i am hoping his texting behavior improves or dates last longer because he’s more excited to message or see me now… but neither improved… he usually asks to be excused since he need to go and walk his dog already and has to work after that.

I think it’s also actually my fault since he said he has no expectations or anything. He said he’s more the type to wait and see – friends, relationships, or anything… but he said he’s not someone looking for fwb. I’m also the same, but i like him now. he says he really likes me too but i feel like i want more time from him.

This guy has a high position at work and also works at night shift. He also has a dog he tends to at morning and at night. On weekends, he has commitment to an outreach program and a training (he competes in a sport).

I really feel like he only spends his free time with me. What i want is for him to now make time for me. If he’s interested, he would, right? Or am i just being too clingy.

He’s 30 and I’m 28 btw.

1 comment
  1. >I really feel like he only spends his free time with me. What i want is for him to now make time for me. If he’s interested, he would, right? Or am i just being too clingy.

    I mean if you’re getting this mans free time, what other time can he give you?

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