Hey I’m a 21F and have been seeing my partner (22F) for two months now. I want to be having more sex then we are having. Should I bring this up to her or should I try to fulfill my needs with self pleasure. I don’t want to pressure her into having sex if she doesn’t want to. For me tho I really enjoy sex and would like to be doing that more often. Also I feel like on a mental health level the way I see sex might not be the healthiest and I gain a lot of validation from sex. So, her not wanting to have sex with me sometimes I take it too personally and my intrusive thoughts pop out and make me think i’m disgusting or not good enough or not good at sex. Sorry this is a lot i’m just looking for some insight.

  1. The answer is always to communicate. You can tell her how you feel about your sex life and ask her how she feels about it. Have an open and honest conversation about what it means to you. At the end, you may come to a compromise or solution, or you might find that you simply aren’t sexually compatible.

  2. You’re right that searching for validation through sex isn’t the healthiest way to do so. Work on yourself ❤️

    But also communicate with your partner!

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